United Church of God

The Role of the Holy Spirit and Word of God in Conversion

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The Role Of The Holy Spirit And Word Of God In Conversion

MP3 Audio (50.65 MB)


The Role of the Holy Spirit and Word of God in Conversion

MP3 Audio (50.65 MB)

God is spirit and we are called to worship Him in spirit and truth. We are baptized into one body and members one of another through God’s holy spirit. Together, we must be diligent to preserve the unity of God’s spirit in us and to work worthy of our calling with humility, gentleness and patience — understanding and forgiving one another in love. By the power of the holy spirit and the word of God, we can overcome sin and live a life of joy and peace we are called by God to live.

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  • Bruno Gebarski
    Dr. Ward reminds us that that those worshiping God must worship him in Spirit & in truth. We are given God’s spirit after repentance, baptism & in faith accepting the sacrifice of Christ for our sins. If we love God we must keep His commandments; God & Christ will come & make their abode in us. God’s Spirit conforms us to the image of Christ: the firstborn among many brethren. Flesh & blood can’t inherit the Kingdom of God: a spiritual transformation is required & promised upon faithful obedience to God. Disciples argued who among them was the greatest while Christ introduced New Covenant Passover symbols, proving their lack of conversion yet to come. God is no respecter of person: His plan of salvation is both for Jews & Gentiles. Gospel is about repentance turning away from sin, & having them forgiven through the sacrifice of Christ. Repentance, forgiveness, mercy & justification, all inextricably linked to obedience. With Christ in us the old man can be crucified if we are led by the Holy Spirit. The penalty for our sin has been nailed to the stake by Christ’s Sacrifice: not God’s law: He that saith, I know him, & keeps not his commandments, is a liar & the truth is not in him.
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