United Church of God

The Trunk of the Tree

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The Trunk of the Tree

MP3 Audio (38.84 MB)


The Trunk of the Tree

MP3 Audio (38.84 MB)

What is the theme of the Bible? What are the precious truths necessary and essential for salvation? What are the great questions of life? Do you have a clear and deep understanding of the purpose of God and human existence? What is the thread of the Bible and have you mastered what God wants you to master? God makes salvation available by unmerited grace, but we must labor in the word and grow in the grace and knowledge. Let us convey the word of God by what we say and do and be a light to the world by clinging to the trunk of the tree!

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  • bransonbound
    Dr. Ward.. I am glad to find this sermon! I listened to an local elder from UCG state that, if one believes in staying close to the trunk of the tree, it is unbiblical. They should be on the limbs and leaves. Thank you for reminding me of the truth! Danny Foreman
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