United Church of God

What Is the Kingdom of God?

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What is the Kingdom of God?

MP3 Audio (25.06 MB)


What Is the Kingdom of God?

MP3 Audio (25.06 MB)

Jesus said the Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed. Do you know what that means? This sermon will discuss the mustard seed parable and explore what is meant by the phrase, “Kingdom of God.”

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  • treeguy87
    Hi, Mark - thanks for pointing out this verse. Because Christ was to be the Chief Administrator of the Kingdom of God and because He was there in-person, He was a direct representative of that Kingdom; thus, the Kingdom of God had, in a sense, "come upon" them. I think Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary captures the intended meaning of this verse pretty well when they translate it this way: "If this expulsion of Satan is, and can be, by no other than the Spirit of God, then his [Satan's] Destroyer is already in the midst of you, and that Kingdom which is destined to supplant his [Satan's] is already rising on its ruins."
  • Corban
    This Scripture is overlooked. The context was not after the second coming of Christ. Luke 11:20 (NKJV) "But if I cast out demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you." Also recorded in Matt. 12:28 but worded "by the Spirit of God", which must be by the same means as "with the finger of God."
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