United Church of God

What Is the Mark of the Beast?

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What is the Mark of the Beast?

MP3 Audio (40.28 MB)


What Is the Mark of the Beast?

MP3 Audio (40.28 MB)

How many of you have had this very same conversation with friends, family, co-workers or church members about what the mark of the beast will be? I remember wondering about the mark as a child, back then I literally thought it was a tattoo of 666 on someone's forehead. Now in this message are my thoughts that I believed were inspired by God to discuss today. This message is not doctrine or meant to be the ABC’s of the end time, but merely a jumping point for discussion among us and a point of meditation later. Hopefully God will use this interaction among His chosen people to inspire a prophet among us to clarify the end time meaning. We must all fervently pray for wisdom. The purpose of the message today is to discuss the mark of the beast in its entirety so that we can be better prepared for future events.

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