United Church of God

Who Is Jesus?

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Who Is Jesus?

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Who Is Jesus?

MP3 Audio (5.99 MB)

“Who was Jesus?” This was the shocking and thought-provoking title of the cover story article in a leading newsmagazine. Here is how the article began -- “He walked out of the Judean desert nearly 2,000 years ago, an unknown itinerant preacher, proclaiming to all who would listen that the Kingdom of God was at hand. It was said that he was a healer and a gifted teacher who challenged conventional wisdom and spoke with authority and wit. In the villages and hillsides of Galilee, curious crowds would gather to witness his deeds and hear his teachings. Some followed him, believing he was God’s anointed one, while others dismissed him as a pretender and a troublemaker. Less than three years after he began, he was arrested in Jerusalem and executed on a Roman cross. His death, and the testimony of his followers that he arose from dead, would change the course of history. “Today, as in his own time, Jesus of Nazareth remains one of history’s most intriguing and enigmatic figures. The religion founded on his teachings counts nearly a third of the world’s population as member, yet his words and deeds and the meaning of his life, death and Resurrection are subjects of intense debate and sometimes surprising interpretations. Many still ask the question of the ages: ‘Who is Jesus?’” You and I may take issue with a number of things written in this article, but yet the subject is very relevant. We need to ask two very important questions. First, -- “Who was Jesus?” And second, “Who is Jesus?” The world is quite confused, but the Bible speaks clearly and powerfully to answer these questions!

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