United Church of God

Why Is Family Important to Almighty God?

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Why Is Family Important to Almighty God?

MP3 Audio (6.25 MB)


Why Is Family Important to Almighty God?

MP3 Audio (6.25 MB)

Do you recognize this Scriptural passage? “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat; the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.” Most of us are familiar with this verse. It is located in ISAIAH 11:6, and it is a lovely description of the coming world of the future – the time when Jesus Christ shall reign as King of kings and Lord of lords for a thousand years on earth! Consider this verse once again. What does it mention? A wolf – a lamb – a leopard – a young goat – a calf – a young lion – and what else? Do you know what I did not mention? How does the verse end? It tells us --“…and a little child shall lead them.” A little child?? What could be the importance of including a little child? How many times do you think the words children – or child – occur in the Bible? Maybe 100 times? Or possible 500 times? Or 1,000 times? The answer is closer to 2,000 times!! Our Great Creator God places much emphasis on the importance of children – and their fantastic potential! Children play a special role in the God-ordained family – and God is all about family!!

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