United Church of God

Why Isn't God Calling More People?

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Why isn't God Calling More People?

MP3 Audio (16.34 MB)


Why Isn't God Calling More People?

MP3 Audio (16.34 MB)

A question that is asked by the brethren in the church on occasion is, "Why isn't God calling more people into the church?" That is a valid question and a question that we will explore and hopefully answer in the message today.

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  • LarryKo
    Mr. Reeves, When questions come to mind about “Why doesn’t God…?” , the answer always comes back to God has a magnificent plan for man which He will accomplish what He has promised. When one considers the scope of “Preaching the gospel and preparing a people” that is a task of enormous proportions for such a tiny group, but God provides what we need.
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