United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 3251.
United News
Jerold Aust
God blessed the Church with another opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
Following the December 2007 interview, when Alan Colmes interviewed me about Christmas, the senior producer of the Alan Colmes radio show indicated they might want to interview me again about Easter. He said they really enjoyed the...
United News
by Jerold Aust
As reported in the January issue, on Dec. 18 Good News senior writer Jerold Aust was interviewed for 26 minutes by Alan Colmes on Fox News Radio. Here is Mr. Aust's personal account of the interview about why the United Church of God doesn...
United News
United News
Hundreds of newspapers and radio stations featured interviews with UCG ministers about "Christians Who Don't Keep Christmas."
The weeks leading up to Dec. 25 were exciting ones for several United Church of God ministers who were interviewed by major newspaper and radio outlets. The excitement spread to thousands of Church members as hundreds of stations and...
United News
United News
Jerold and Mary Ann Aust retired from the ministry on July 1, 2020, after more than 57 years of committed service to the Church.
 Mr. Aust shares some highlights of their time spent serving: “Much of my service for the past 25 years was in UCG’s Media and Communications. My roles included Senior Writer for the Good News and Beyond Today...
by Alan Ratcliffe
Omaha, NE
When we drift out of focus, we can find ourselves having a bad day or getting angry over things which are beyond our control. We can put off doing something for too long and find we can't meet a deadline or an obligation we made to...
by Alan Weaner
York, PA
Blessings are a gift to those who obey God. The Sermon on the Mount gives us a list of qualities that blessed people have.
United News
Audrey McGuire
On Feb. 12, 2022, the ABC class of 2022 ran Sabbath services for the Cincinnati East, Ohio, congregation.
For the morning service, Brian Styer gave the sermonette, with Aaron Dean (ABC Dean of Students) giving the sermon. With Matthew Rains as songleader, Seth Hall gave announcements, and David Jutson and Winston Snyder gave the opening and...
Good Works
Lena VanAusdle
Good Works
Volunteers have been chosen - view their bios below!
Stephanie Rorem Stephanie is from the Oakland, California, United Church of God congregation. She has a BA in studio art and is currently taking classes in early childhood education, having been inspired by her time...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
Recently I attended a webinar by Dr. Alan Zimmerman. Dr Zimmerman has a doctorate in communication and psychology. He was a university professor for 15 years before starting his own training and consulting business in 1985. The webinar was...
Service Project
Good Works and United Youth Corps are once again co-sponsoring a project in Guatemala from December 25, 2016 to January 8, 2017.

$10,000 raised of $10,000 goal

Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
While some think God’s laws have no purpose today, the Ten Commandments are in fact, vitally important for everyone.
Vertical Thought
by Vertical Thought
If you would like to dig more deeply into the case against evolution, here are a few book recommendations.
United News
by United News
Sometimes being a parent can be like being a broken record: "Don't do that!" "Be careful!" "I've told you three times to clean up your room!"
