United Church of God


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Family Study Guides

In this Family Study Guide we review God’s Fruit of the Spirit, Self-Control (temperance). Self-control involves struggling against our human nature, our thoughts, emotions and habits, and bringing them into obedience to God’s laws and teachings.

by Richard Kennebeck
Orlando, FL
God’s Holy Spirit produces fruit within us, but we must do our part in that growth. Self-control is the ninth fruit that Paul lists in Galatians 5:22-23. Though it is found last in that list, it is critical to the growth of all the other...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
In this BT Daily series, we'll be following Paul on his travels in the book of Acts to study three key encounters. In this first episode, Paul is brought to trial before Felix, a Roman governor, and leaves quite an impression.
by Troy Phelps
Petaluma, CA
Speaker: Troy Phelps Date: 9-7-24 In part 8 of this series on the 9 fruits of the spirit and qualities of the God Family, we take a deep look at self-control and a couple of important passages of God's Word where He outlines that if we...
by Eric Johnson
Portland, OR
Paul used fruit as a description of Godly characteristics. There is one that focuses on self-control. This message explains how to properly use it.
by Victor Hou
Las Vegas, NV
What originally was a Bible Study aimed at teens and young adults was turned into a message for the congregation as a whole. The subject is self-control, discipline, and drive. All three are important elements of the Christian life and...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Are you your own worst enemy?
by Rudy Rangel III, Jamie Schreiber, Clint Porter, Chaz Leathers, Jonathan Magee, Jelly
Jelly's hands are full training his new puppy.  Meanwhile, Mr. Jonathan is in a very important meeting at the toaster company. Join Jelly and his friends as they learn about the fruit of the Spirit.
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
Your Creator/Father wants you to develop self discipline. But His goals are higher than a better bank statement, or better health. Spiritual self control is about becoming like your Father in attitude and thought… and involves controlling...
by Frank McCrady
East Texas
Self Control is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. In this message we'll look at what self control is, we'll look at the points that commonly show the lack of self control, we'll see that self control is for the benefit of others, we'll...
by Frank McCrady
Dallas, TX
Self Control is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. In this message we'll look at what self control is, we'll look at the points that commonly show the lack of self control, we'll see that self control is for the benefit of others, we'...
by Lonnie Johnson
Springfield, MO
In this sermon, Mr. Johnson explains the importance of self-control. It is a vital part of any who claim to have Christ as their master.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
You can get a grip on your life and take control with the right source.
by Sal Cimino, Sr.
Charlotte, NC
Temperance meaning self-control is a foundational aspect of the Fruit of God’s Spirit, it gives us the power to overcome and take control of our thoughts, words, and actions in our life.
by Jon Davies
Buford, GA
Being weak-willed and unable to control personal emotions are a sign of the times we live in. But we have seen examples of people who endured severe provocations and yet stayed calm - the baseball legend Jackie Robinson included. In...
by Lonnie Blankenship
Little Rock, AR
Many of our choices in life are dictated by our carnal nature and the desires of the flesh. This message looks at the importance of self-control and the need for each of us to grow in this fruit of the Holy Spirit toward godliness.
by Doug Wendt
Orlando, FL
As we consider the many qualities comprising God’s holy spirit, have we been successful in developing self control? The bible encourages all Christians to restrain from every way of life that is contrary to God’s laws, yet that seems...
