United Church of God


Helmut Rudajs Posts

Helmut Rudajs

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Helmut Rudajs





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by Helmut Rudajs

We do not need to destroy an enemy to win; we just need to resist the enemy. Resist the Devil and he will flee. When we draw near to God, he draws near to us.

by Helmut Rudajs

Cain and Abel help provide lessons of acceptance and rejection. The power of rejection is devastating. If we want to be accepted by God, we need to live acceptable lives. If you do well you will be accepted, if not, sin waits at your door.

by Helmut Rudajs

Should we leave common sense at the door or get to the truth?

by Helmut Rudajs

This message, based on Ephesians 4, examines what we each have to offer the Church. Regardless of our circumstance, role and abilities, we can strengthen and encourage the spiritual growth of one another in love and in the hope that is Kingdom of God.

by Helmut Rudajs

This message explores the relationship between love and endurance. 1 Corinthians 13 tells us that love never fails. Therefore, love must require endurance. That kind of love requires work and sacrifice. We must strive to live selfless lives, demonstrating our love for others.

by Helmut Rudajs

This message examines God’s faithfulness through lessons from the life of Jacob.