United Church of God

Marion Young-Perkins Comments

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Marion Young-Perkins



Contact Marion Young-Perkins

    Thank you for this sermon. For reminding us to allow the scriptures to interpret themselves. Your sermon was so full of great information. I really would like the handout you shares with the brethren if that is possible. Thank you once again. And may the Almighty God continue to guide and teach you, so you can teach us.
    Thank you! This was a very informative study. It would have been so nice to have heard all the comments and questions by those in attendance. Again, I thank you
    Thank you!!! I thank the Almighty GOD for leading me to this sermon. For years I've thought of removing leaven was simply removing sin. I never thought of the days of unleavened bread in the context you put it. Again, thanks to the Almighty GOD and you for this eye opening sermon.
    I thank the Almighty God for guiding you with HIS truth. For allowing you to provide this sermon for us to hear. It is eye opening how you were able to tie the way this society is operating now with prophesy. And letting us how much we need to be about our Father's business today, right now, Again I thank the Almighty God and you for this wonderful sermon.
    Thank you. I enjoyed the entire series. Now I have a much better understanding.
    Thank you for the history lesson. It would have been wonderful to have had the presentation that the brethren were able to see. I am in the in the process of listening to part three.
    Thanks Aaron!! Have a wonderful Sabbath
    Thank you Mr. Seiglie for this sermon. As I listened to this one and reflect on some of the others, it brought tears to my eyes,. When I look back over my life, and see how far the Almighty God has brought me and see how much more I need to grow in HIS truth, t scares me at times. But one thing I know for sure, HE will finish what HE has started. I just have to be patient and be willing to allow HIM to do it. Thank you again for this marvelous sermon. And allowing me to share my thoughts.
    Thank you Mr.Schulz. You have a wonderful Sabbath as well.
    Thank you for this sermon. I've listened multiple times and each time hear something I may have missed the previous time. So this time I wrote down the 5 promises and have them available to see each day as a reminder of the Almighty God and Jesus's great love for us(me).
    Thank you for this teachings.
    Thank you Mr.Schulz for this excellent sermon. Listening to How to Live in Babylon, In the World but not of the world and Hearing the Shepherd's Voice is just perfect for the times we are living in. These three sermons compliment each other very well. Again, thank you. And may the Almighty God continue to inspire your speaking.
    Thank you Mr. Eddington. This was an excellent sermon. Combining it with In the World but not of the World, makes realize how much more closer I need to be to the Almighty God. Thanks to you and all the Ministers for the great sermons that help me to look inside of me and ask the Almighty God to create a new heart in me.
    Because of the constant stopping of audio. It was difficult to keep up with what was being explained.
    Thank you for the sermon. As I was listening to you describe the areas of Rome, it would have been so nice to have seen your slides, Looking forward to your next sermon on Romans. Again, thank you