United Church of God


Robert Nettles Posts

Robert Nettles

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Robert Nettles





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by Robert Nettles

God's word records countless miracle in both the Old and New Testaments. What was God's purpose for these miracles? Do you and I need miracles today to assure us of who God is and what He is doing in our lives?

by Robert Nettles

When I say the word suffer what thoughts come to mind? For most people, including myself it's pain, anguish, or something unpleasant. But there's much more to it when you look closer.

by Robert Nettles

Faith comes in many shapes and sizes. Jesus spoke about the faith of a mustard seed, but we know there are very faithful people. What does faith look like to you and me?

by Robert Nettles

The Bible has many miracles - sometimes we receive small miracles, but do we need one to stay faithful?

by Robert Nettles

Devotion goes far beyond any commitment we make. Absolute devotion is giving ourselves to God and the brethren as Christ did.