United Church of God


William Vernich Posts

William Vernich

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William Vernich






by William Vernich

When the End Times come, will we be deceived by the Fake News of the world?

by William Vernich

For Christians to hold to God's way during a time of tribulation, they need to spiritually prepare.  These "planks" are essential to building a spiritual ark for suriving such a time.

by William Vernich

For Christians to hold to God's way during a time of tribulation, they need to spiritually prepare. These "planks" are essential to building a spiritual ark for surviving such a time.

by William Vernich

An examination of the relationship between our hope and what it means to be righteous. 

by William Vernich

Discover what it means to be an ambassador for Christ and how being an ambassador carries over to our roles in the Kingdom of God.

by William Vernich

How important is truth?  How important is truth to you?  It doesn’t matter whether or not you are in God’s church.  When you converse with someone you hope you are giving the truth to them and them to you.  We do have a 9th commandment “Thou Shall Not Lie”.  We should take to this both in heart and

by William Vernich

On the occasion of our local church's 50th anniversary, William Vernich gives from Scripture examples of reunion celebrations in the plan of God, the "best" and greatest being the Great White Throne Judgement.

by William Vernich

Through God’s calling and salvation we are all sons of God who are in Christ, and God’s plan involves extending that call to all who have ever lived.