United Church of God


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Total results: 6662.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Beyond Today Editor
Here you'll find links to all the additional resources listed in the pages of the magazine in the "Dive Deeper" boxes near the end of each article in the May-June 2024 issue.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Rick Shabi
How will the beautiful picture of world peace and joy become reality? What stands in the way, how will change happen, and can change start now?
Compass Check

This issue is all about personal development, self-improvement, character growth—you get the idea.

Beyond Today Magazine
by Beyond Today Editor
Here you'll find links to all the additional resources listed in the pages of the magazine in the "Dive Deeper" boxes near the end of each article in the March-April 2024 issue.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
In the article "Jerusalem Center of Conflict, Center of Peace," it appears you are insinuating that the New Jerusalem will be set up by man, an idea not supported in the scriptures. Can you please clarify?
Compass Check
by Kourtney Kovanis
This issue is all about personal development, self-improvement, character growth—you get the idea. There’s a lot in the Bible on this subject (in fact, you could say it’s one of the major themes across the whole book), and the articles in...
Good News
by Good News
Some great factor - quite possibly the economic crisis that is increasingly shaping up in Europe - will force the transformation of the European Union into a new, more tightly integrated and powerful alliance.
Beyond Today
by Tom M Damour
In this month's issue of Virtual Christian Magazine, a variety of articles have been compiled to help you to learn more about God's way of life. There is more than one way to learn about God, and it is our hope that as you read each...
Spiritual Growth
by Vertical Thought
Why do witches, goblins, jack-o'-lanterns, cobwebs, graveyards and symbols of the occult surround this holiday? You need to know the real story.
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely
We have two articles in this issue of World News and Prophecy that describe the coming age and what it will be like.
United News
by Philip Aust
In the first part of this two-part series designed to facilitate growth after the fall Feasts, we addressed sharing your feast and reviewing your notes. In this second article, we cover two more practices of Christian development. Read on...
World News and Prophecy
by John Ross Schroeder
The cover of a recent issue of Time magazine astonishingly declares, "2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal." But the Bible tells a different story about living forever.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Scott Ashley
These are dangerous times. The ground is shifting underneath our feet. Prophecies of a very different world—one in which the United States no longer exists as a viable nation—are lining up.
by Ken Martin
Cincinnati East, OH
The world works against us and pressures us to conform to it’s values. Each and every day we must actively work to make the transformation process more complete.
