United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 20671.
United News
by Cecil Maranville
Q. Why is Pentecost on June 12 in 2005, instead of on June 19? The latter date appears to be seven weeks from the Days of Unleavened Bread, and the earlier date seems to be a week too early.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
Everyone has sinned. How can you overcome your sins and find forgiveness?
by David Jones
Sioux Falls, SD
The Day of Pentecost is traditionally referred to by Jews as "Marriage Day" or the "Day of Decorating the Bride" as they reflect on when the Children of Israel gathered at the base of Mount Sinai and entered into a covenant with God. David...
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
The instruction for counting Pentecost is found in Leviticus 23:15-16. It tells us to count 50 days from the day of the wave-sheaf offering—resulting in the Day of Pentecost falling on a Sunday each time.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Pentecost, an annual Holy Day within God's calendar, brings an inspiring lesson for our lives.
by Sal Cimino
Tampa, FL
50 days from the Wave sheaf offering is the Day of Pentecost. The bible instructs us to count 50 – but why? God expects us to do more than just count these days – He expects us to learn from them just as ancient Israel did. Listen in to...
by Patrick McKee
Houston, TX
Leviticus 23 tells us to count the 50 days to Pentecost. But with the calendars available to us today we basically ignore this command. In this split sermon Patrick McKee points out verses in the Bible that show counting to 50 for...
by Lynn Leiby
Lawton, OK
We will review the basic doctrine of how to perform the count towards Pentecost and some of the problems associated with the alternate ways of conducting this count.
by Brent Fogelson
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
Answering questions about tithes and offerings. As we look into God's word we see that there is much more to tithes and offerings than money.
by Joe Handley
North Canton, OH
Bible Study: Prophecy Q&A 10/06/2020 - Feast of Tabernacles Berlin, OH 2020
by John Miller
North Canton, OH
Bible Study: Unpardonable Sin Q&A 10/05/2020 - Feast of Tabernacles Berlin, OH 2020
by Lynn Leiby
Dallas, TX
We will review the basic doctrine of how to perform the count towards Pentecost and some of the problems associated with the alternative ways of conducting this count.
Beyond Today Daily
by Rick Shabi
How did Sunday become the Christian day of worship for Catholic and Protestant Christianity? Did Christ, the Bible, or early apostles authorize this change?
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
This Bible Study covers some questions and discusses the Book of Hebrews
by Andy Duran
Beloit, WI
Counting is crucial in life. Pentecost is not on a specific yearly date. HOW do we arrive on Pentecost by counting?
by Andy Duran
Bangor, ME
The Day of Pentecost is prescribed to be kept on the fiftieth day, "to the day after the seventh Sabbath." How are we to count to 50? What is our starting point? In this sermon, we examine some main methods of counting to Pentecost and...
by David Meidinger
Phoenix East, AZ
People believe God's promise of healing, but questions arise. Here are Biblical answers to several such questions.
by Bill Durkee
Knoxville, TN
As we move forward on to Pentecost, we will examine the meaning of the symbols of the day and the potential meaning why counting 50 days.
