United Church of God


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Total results: 4870.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Michael Kelley
As the world grows increasingly unstable, America’s military appears dangerously misguided.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Justin Palm
America, Russia and China are locked in a new arms race involving unprecedented weapons technology. Will this growing arms race end the human race?
by Jeremy Lallier
With the recent measures taken to increase the world's nuclear security, are we really any farther from the threat of Mutual Assured Destruction that haunted us all those years ago?
United News
Jim Tuck
Former U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush was many things, including only the second American to see his son follow him into the nation’s highest office. But more than anything else, he was a believer in government service. As a...
The U.S.—as a kinder and gentler nation—hasn’t quite worked out that way since 1989 when President Bush took office. Rather, the country now is more divided than any other time in history with the exception of the Civil War. The...
World News and Prophecy
by Cecil Maranville
Just when things cool down between nuclear neophytes India and Pakistan, another alarm is sounded by Japan as it contemplates arming itself with nuclear weapons. That's all Asia needs, another house with the ultimate weapon in global...
