United Church of God


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Total results: 8005.
by Paul Kieffer
With an adjustment of one word, the 1960s-era protest song "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" provides an apt description of a growing crisis in central Europe. The Germans are slowly but surely dying out, prompting the German weekly new...
by Darris McNeely
A sound biblical view can help us frame our response to the present crisis—and it is a crisis. We are seeing events take place that experts have long foretold.
by John Ross Schroeder
As one of the world’s most influential and powerful nations reaches a jubilee celebration, the nation faces many challenges. The Queen represents a memory of great glory for Britain. What is the future for this former world empire?
by Peter Hawkins
Britain's new government is making radical efforts to rein in government debt. Will other nations follow? What got us into this mess? What will it take to eventually solve our economic problems?
Good News
by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
A London Times analytical report from the United States revealed that "figures from the US Census Bureau suggest that the economic crisis sparked in 2007 has turned the US into an 'hourglass' society, with a shrinking middle class squeezed...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Dan Taylor
Britain’s vote to leave the European Union shocked the nation’s and the continent’s political elites. What’s behind it? And what does it mean for Britain and Europe as a whole?
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely
There is a real problem with the Western economies that could lead to some major corrections thus impacting jobs, income and growth in America and Great Britain.
