United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 7770.
by Howard Davis
Massive natural, environmental and economic disasters have defined the first half of 2011. Bible prophecy identifies events like these as one of the identifying signs of the end times. Where will all these things lead?
Service Project
Good Works will be sponsoring a project in Guatemala! This project will take place at the Eagle’s Nest Orphanage from Dec. 27, 2013, until Jan. 10, 2014.

$10,000 raised of $10,000 goal

Good News
by John Ross Schroeder, Scott Ashley
In 1982-83, "El Niño," a warming of waters in the eastern Pacific that researchers believe leads to changing global weather patterns, is believed to have been responsible for 2,000 deaths and $13 billion in damage.
by Dael Baughman
East Texas
The Bible chronicles three eras of God's plan: pre-flood, post-flood, and New Covenant.
Inside United Podcast
by Victor Kubik, Bill Bradford
United Church of God president Victor Kubik is joined by Bill Bradford, UCG pastor in Australia. Mr. Bradford provides an update on the work in Australia, in particular the recent success of the Beyond Today TV ...
United News
Victor Kubik
Letter from the President
UCG President, Victor Kubik, provides updates from recent trip to Western Australia, Singapore and Malaysia.
Visit to Western Australia, Singapore and Malaysia We returned home yesterday from a wonderful visit to our congregations and ministry in Australia, Singapore and Malaysia. It was an enriching experience. We were happy to share goodwill...
United News
Lisa FenchelJonathan MageeEsther Magee
Volunteers offer assistance to the orphanage and provide love to orphans on life-changing two-week trip.
An international team of United Youth Corps participants, sponsored by LifeNets International and Good Works, served at the Eagle’s Nest orphanage in Sololá, Guatemala, teaching English and other activities. The project took...
by Mike Joseph
Grand Rapids, MI
Floods. Storms. Earthquakes. Where is God when these tragedies strike? The answer may surprise you.
by Victor Kubik
Cincinnati East, OH
Mr, Kubik gives an update on a recent trip to Australia and other church updates.
