United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 6761.
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely
What most do not understand, including most Americans, is the revealed truth that its blessings and influence are the result of God's blessing and His faithfulness to promises made anciently to the biblical patriarch Abraham
Good News
by John Ross Schroeder, Jerold Aust
Could the unspeakable horror of two world wars that afflicted the first half of the 20th century actually happen again? Will many of the nations that fought in those colossal struggles enter yet another global war? Will war spread around...
United News
Jim Tuck
A pastor hoping to captivate his congregation said in a sober voice, “We now know exactly when Jesus Christ will return a second time.” Every member was leaning in to hear what he would say next. He said, “Our Lord tells us precisely when...
Perspective The pastor read aloud Matthew 24:42-44: “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and...
United News
Jim Tuck
World events are heading to the fulfillment of prophecies Jesus spoke about nearly two thousand years ago. He taught His disciples to watch key signs occurring in the world. He warned them about end time armies surrounding the one major...
Perspective Israel’s declaration of independence on May 14, 1948, was quickly recognized by the United States, the former Soviet Union and many other governments, fulfilling the dream of an internationally approved Jewish state....
Beyond Today Magazine
by Darris McNeely
The United States is bitterly divided both politically and socially. At the same time its role in the world is being undermined in strategic geographic regions. Are we entering a time of escalating danger and trouble like that spoken of in...
Beyond Today Magazine
by John LaBissoniere
The United States and its global allies face dangerous adversaries armed with nuclear weapons or who will likely possess them soon. How significant are these threats, and how do they play into Bible prophecies about what will occur at the...
