United Church of God


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Total results: 49859.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
The preacher wrote that there is a season or time to every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1).
by Joy Jones
I wanted nothing more than to help my daughter ride her bike, but she shooed my hands away. How much do I rely on my own strength instead of looking to God for help and strength?
by Randy Stiver
An aggressive, post-modern philosophy is 'evangelistically' bombarding the world today with a doctrine of evolutionary atheism. It is a mindset that obscures the reality and meaning of the creation we behold every day.
United News
by Tony Kuczynski
What does it mean to you that God became one of us for a while? 
by Roy Holladay
Cincinnati East, OH
In Philippians 2:5 we are commanded to have the mind of Christ to dwelling in us. What is the mind of Christ? How can we come to have the mind of Christ?
by Gary Petty
Cincinnati East, OH
In your life you're going to experience a paradox of good times and bad times. Your happiness is important to God in all of this and that's why you must learn happiness.
by Kathy Sanny
Do we make our light a soft candle to help lead the way, or do we blind people and run them off course by overwhelming them with too much light?
