United Church of God


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Total results: 49994.
by Joy Porter
God’s Word should change us, but it’s easy to get trapped in behaviors and habits that limit us from experiencing real growth.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Sin is painful and God's Word exposes that pain so that we can heal.
United News
by Len Martin
Never underestimate the importance of your words. God wants our words to build up, to edify, to encourage, not tear down or discourage.
by Peter Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
Can you go through a day without saying an unkind word? Are you aware that often some of the worst sins that we can commit are with our tongue. One of the keys to enjoying life and seeing good fruit is how we use our tongue.
by Ron Woodbridge
Wichita, KS
How do we recognize and overcome problems with idol words, gossip, and hurtful words? As Christians, how should we use our tongues to build a relationship with God and with fellow man?
by Joy Jones
I assumed my mother was criticizing my abilities as a wife and mother; but when I confronted her, she gave me a profound lesson.
Good News
by Janet Treadway
The emotional pain inflicted on us by others can be far worse than the physical wounds we experience. What is the right ointment for wounded hearts?
