Words That Hurt

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Words That Hurt

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Revelations this week that senior members of President Obama’s administration have resorted to speaking of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a derogatory manner are disturbing. It was revealed this week that Mr. Netanyahu has been called “chicken****” and a “coward.” Deliberately leaking these comments to the press shows others deficiencies I won’t comment on here.

The tension between the two leaders has been no secret. Look at any picture showing the two sitting next to each other and even the socially untrained eye can detect the men are not comfortable with one another. This is sad. These two world leaders represent something beyond the today’s headlines and their cooperation and mutual respect could serve larger interests.

The State of Israel is a forward position for America in the volatile Middle East. Culturally and politically the two nations are beacons of freedom and refuge when shadows of oppression cover remote corners of the world. Both share a connection to a promise and a covenant stretching back to the story of Abraham, the biblical patriarch who immigrated to the land on God’s command. When America and its English–speaking allies support Israel something very important is happening. When that support begins to fray we should be concerned.

I am concerned.

Israel is a marker placed in the Middle East by the God of Abraham as a sign and promise of His enduring faithfulness to all nations and peoples who bless and honor the example and memory of that patriarch. God said to Abraham, “I will bless them that bless you and curse those who curse you” (Genesis 12:3). That promise stands today in this example. It is a key to understanding God’s plan for today's Middle East.

I listen carefully to the speeches of both these leaders, and frankly Prime Minister Netanyahu has a good grasp of the dangers facing not only Israel but also the nations of the West when it comes to the pressing issues in his neighborhood. He articulates the danger better than any world leader. His words and his analysis are telling.

We are approaching a date when an agreement will be made about Iran's nuclear ambitions. The United States will lead on this. I suspect the recent personal attack on Mr. Netanyahu is connected to the direction America may take toward Iran. We’ll wait and see.

At this critical moment in the conflicts impacting the Middle East it is not helpful to hear about this behind-the-scenes sniping. The people on the streets of these countries in conflict deserve better.

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  • FrancisJeanNichols
    Our "leader" needs to apologize !!!! Prime Minister Netanyahu does not have to take that from Obama's minions!!! The Bible says, in effect, we would be run by children, I believe this country is being run by a "spoiled brat"!!! Obama needs to apologize to Prime Minister Netanyahu !!!
  • hockey_grrrl
    Thank you Mr. McNeely. It is a shame that the U.S. President continues to embarrass the country with his behavior, especially regarding Israel. And I fully agree with your comments on Mr. Netanyahu - I would gladly choose him as President over the choices that we've been given the last few years. He states things for what they are and exhibits a leadership quality that is severely lacking in the U.S. right now.
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