United Church of God


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Bible Study Course

In this lesson we examine the process by which our lives can be turned to God—the process of conversion.

by Bart Bornhorst
Lehigh Valley, PA
The meaning behind the Days of Unleavened Bread, points us in a direction of how God expects us as Christians, to live our lives. The Apostle Paul often reiterated how the life of a Christian must be different in comparison to his or her...
United News
by Amanda Miller
It is important that we know how to give a defense for our way of life, doctrinal beliefs and the existence of God in respectful and appropriate conversations.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
Jesus Christ, the apostles and the New Testament Church practiced water baptism. Is baptism a required part of God's plan of salvation?
by Bart Bornhorst
Indianapolis, IN
Bart Bornhorst speaks about conversion at Brown County State Park during the Sabbath on Pentecost Weekend. He outlines that our conversion is about the Holy Spirit, it involved dedicating a life toward the way of love, and to be faithful...
Spiritual Growth
by Amanda Stiver
Ever thought about how Christmas was celebrated long ago and where today's customs came from? It's an important story you need to know.
Vertical Thought
by Frank Dunkle
If your parents are true Christians, does that make you one? Or is more required of you? This was an important question for the Puritans of early America. And it remains an important issue today.
by Lorelei Nettles
When someone brings something special into another person's life they are often called bright lights. When God-fearing people show how to live a truly Christian life they become brighter lights.
Compass Check
by David Cobb
Saying things that don’t do much to “improve on the silence,” as one Spanish proverb states, is a common occurrence in our conversations.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
This means His Spirit helps you curb fear while developing faith, love and a sound mind.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
Should babies be baptized? What does the Bible teach about baptism?
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
What kind of meditation will help us develop a deeper relationship with God? Should a Christian use transcendental meditation?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Is a believer in Jesus automatically a disciple? Discover Christ’s own definition about those who are His genuine followers.
United News
by Philip Aust, Jay Ledbetter
From July 22-29, campers and staff spent an amazing week of teen camp in Temple, Georgia.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
While today’s society has abandoned all sexual restraint, Christ’s true disciples must live by His Way.
