United Church of God


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Total results: 25642.
by Frank Dunkle
Cincinnati East, OH
The American tradition of Thanksgiving has a long history. Within that history are some particulars noteworthy to Christians that can inform us in our manner of thanksgiving.
by David Mörker
Twin Cities, MN
In the book of Proverbs, Solomon emphasizes the pursuit of wisdom and insight and exalts those who embrace these divine gifts. Solomon, the son of David and Bathsheba, is known for his unparalleled wisdom, immense wealth, and the...
Family Study Guides

This Family Guide will discuss that being thankful involves more than just saying “thank you.” We explore ways that your family can find things that God has done in your family’s lives that you can be thankful for. We also learn the importance of thanking o

by Scott Moss
Ft. Wayne, IN
The relatively brief book of Micah holds timeless lessons for Christians today, as well as prophecies of the Kingdom of God.
by Lewis Bryant
Nashville, TN
Lewis Bryant gives an overview of this famous book in a Bible study. Rather than being ancient myth or legend, the book of Jonah contains timeless lessons for twenty-first century Christians.
by David Morker
Twin Cities, MN
How does the sterling example of a particular individual relate to our lives as children of the Most High? I. Gathering Strength from Biblical Characters! II. Willingness to Act on Beliefs! III. Stepping Out on Faith! IV. Practicing...
by Chuck Smith
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
A timeless tale of God's divine guidance in Paul's life that serves as a powerful lesson of His guidance in our lives.
United News
Mark Welch
In this personal from MMS, Mark Welch recounts his trip to visit congregations in South Dakota, pastored by Randy Stiver, just prior to Thanksgiving.
I trust you all had a very happy and enjoyable Thanksgiving Day here in the U.S. Thankfully, our daughter, two grandsons, and our son, along with the family of a very dear and longtime friend spent about five days with us over the...
Family Bible studies for teens should focus on helping them deepen their relationship with God and their faith. They are meant to draw the family closer together as they study the Word of God together, and grow in grace and the knowledge...
by Scott McKeon
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
Paul gives Titus timeless instruction regarding the various members of the Christian family, and there is something for all of us: Older people, younger people, an even applications for our work lives.
Beyond Today
by Tom M Damour
The Bible describes Christians as soldiers. Like any other soldier, they must learn to survive the inevitable battle to fight another day. What are the weapons of a Christian soldier, and how does a soldier for Christ define victory?
by Richard Kennebeck
Jacksonville, FL
God gave ancient Israel various sacrifices, one of which is the Sacrifice of Thanksgiving. Though we no longer give physical animal sacrifices, we can learn important lessons about thankfulness from this sacrifice and its related mention...
by Kevin Greer
Abundance of food and physical blessings aren't the only reasons we should give deep, heartfelt thanks to God.
by Richard Kennebeck
Orlando, FL
God gave ancient Israel various sacrifices, one of which is the Sacrifice of Thanksgiving. Though we no longer give physical animal sacrifices, we can learn important lessons about thankfulness from this sacrifice and its related mention...
by Robin Webber
Los Angeles, CA
Jude's epistle is designed to be a "go-to-book marker" in Scripture down through the life of the Church to convey opportunity, responsibility and accountability to the calling of God. While small in size, it imparts enormous lessons...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The guarantee of religious freedom is the foundation of all other freedoms.
