United Church of God

Editorial: A Time of Change For Virtual Christian Magazine

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A Time of Change For Virtual Christian Magazine

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Virtual Christian Magazine (VCM) first appeared on the World Wide Web in August of 1997 as a standalone online magazine. Originally created by Victor Kubik, a pastor with the United Church of God, various members of the Church volunteered their time to help publish the monthly editions. That is also the year I began working on the magazine. My job was to find images for the articles. That might sound easy enough, but in 1997, the Internet of today did not yet exist. There were only a few ways one could attain images and most of what was available wasn’t very good. But technology progressed very quickly, and each year brought new and faster ways to accomplish our work.

In 1999 the magazine was picked up by the United Church of God, an International Association, as one of its official publications. By that time production was running smoothly. Although staff members sometimes changed, we had established routines, so new volunteers easily stepped in to take their place. Then in February of 2003, I became managing editor.

June 2011 saw another change when the magazine was placed on the Church’s official website. Though the staff remained the same,  the substance of the articles remained the same, and the overall look of the PDF magazine remained the same, the appearance of the home page did change. We also modified the publishing process and the articles became part of a larger and more convenient search engine, making them more easily accessible.

Why am I telling you all of this? Because since 1997, every change VCM has taken has been an upgrade from what it was before. Every change has made it easier for us to reach you and for you to reach us. Now it is time for change again.

This change however, will be a little more drastic. Not only will we be changing our look, but also our name. VCM’s articles will now be available as Beyond Today website articles. You will still see the same type of wonderful material you have always enjoyed in the past—and all the back issues will remain available as originally published VCM articles—but we expect this transition to give more exposure and reach a greater audience by tying them into our Beyond Today television program audience and viewership. We will continue to bring you the articles you expect and we hope you will enjoy this latest upgrade!

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  • CharlieM
    VCM has carried the colours to the frontline of the battle against Satan. The articles have strengthened our hopes in times of trials; given us incentive to help others who suffer; encouraged us to maintain our relationship with God. All the contributors have given something personally helpful to someone - and it continues to profit with time. Thanks to all of you.
  • adeyemojosh
    Its amazing to ve d previledge to read about this testimonies
  • Lorelei Nettles
    Hi Ivan, Thank you for your kind words. Although the articles will not be in the same magazine format they were, they should eventually be bundled differently than they are now (as running articles on the home page). New articles do however appear approximately once a week in any given month. If you were or are a fan of VCM on Facebook, you will see the newest updates as they are posted as well as other UCG articles that are announced there.
  • Ames
    Yes, I must agree with Mr. Hooser... Lorelei has done excellent work. It has been a pleasure working with you and the entire team. I look forward to the changes to come!
  • Ivan Veller

    Thank you so much for all your heartfelt love and service for the church through sharing this beautiful publication, Mrs. Nettles!

    p.s. I hope new articles will continue to be bundled and published in serial format online as a "Beyond Today Magazine."

  • Lorelei Nettles

    Thank you so much Mr. Hooser, you humble me greatly.

    I am so glad we got the opportunity to meet you and your lovely wife after so many years of working together.

    I think the change is exciting and I look forward to what the future holds for the viewership of our articles. We are still making the transition, but it is all going smoothly.

  • Don Hooser

    Wow! This sounds like a good move but I'm totally surprised! I never would have guessed the VCM name would change. It's going to take a few hours for my brain to adjust to this. Right now, I feel both sad (change is hard) and happy (change can be good).

    For those of you not familiar with Virtual Christian Magazine or who don't personally know Lorelei, I want you to know what a dedicated, wise, sweet and effective managing editor she has been. By helping with VCM for several years, I developed a huge respect for Lorelei's humble but firm leadership. Because of that, I was excited to finally personally meet her and her neat husband Robert at the 2012 Feast of Tabernacles.

    Atta, girl, Lorelei. Keep up the good work!


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