United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 7558.
by Joshua Creech
Indianapolis, IN
The social media age has increased the tendency to comment on controversies, situations, and events all over the world. Often these comments are made without mental or verbal filters; hurting and alienating friends, family, and even...
Conference Event
Monday, May 08, 2023 - 11:50am to 12:00pm EDT
Holiday Inn & Suites Cincinnati-Eastgate

Concluding Comments (Len Martin)

Conference Event
Saturday, May 06, 2023 - 7:20pm to 7:30pm EDT
Holiday Inn & Suites Cincinnati-Eastgate

“Welcome Comments” by Chairman (Len Martin)

Conference Event
Sunday, May 07, 2023 - 9:00am to 9:15am EDT
Holiday Inn & Suites Cincinnati-Eastgate

Call to Order, Approval of 2022 Minutes & Opening Comments (Len Martin)

United News
by Tom Disher
How to best approach responding to others who make comments on the new UCG.org
Website Help
Thanks for improving UCG.org with your thoughtful comments. Using comments, you can help others (and others can help you) grow closer to God in truth and love. We take Godly communication seriously, which is why we choose to moderate...
Website Help
1. It may be pending approval. Comments on this website are moderated before they appear on the site, and this takes time. Since the volume of comments on the site can vary, there is often a delay between a comment being posted and it...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The hope of God's coming kingdom should spur us on to live our lives in a worthy manner.
by Joshua Creech
Lexington, KY
Excellent sermon on how our comments, whether on the website or person to person, can crush someone. People sometimes come seeking the truth and we have to have a compassionate and loving attitude. Our comments should reflect God's truth...
by Richard Kennebeck
Jacksonville, FL
Jesus included it in the model prayer and then commented on it afterward. In this message we review 3 points about forgiveness and look at the life of Joseph and his example of forgiveness.
by Richard Kennebeck
Orlando, FL
Forgiveness is an essential quality of a Christian. Jesus included it in the model prayer and then commented on it afterward. In this message, we review 3 points about forgiveness and look at the life of Joseph and his example of...
by Jorge de Campos
Dallas, TX
How Gnosticism affected the early church and still affects today's church era. The main theme of Galatians and Paul's introductory comments to the Galatians.
Website Help
The United Church of God an International Association, reserves the right to approve or disapprove unsolicited content or comments published on this website. Published content or comments may be edited for clarity, space and...
Conference Event
Sunday, May 03, 2020 - 1:00pm to 1:15pm EDT
Webcast, UCG Home Office, Milford, OH, 45150
Frank Dunkle

The General Conference of Elders 2020 begins.

Agenda items:

  • Call to order
  • Approval of 2019 minutes
  • Opening comments
Inside United Podcast
by Victor Kubik, Patty Sexton
Patty Sexton, owner and director of Mission Possible Employment Services, shares her experiences working to help disabled people find employment, and tells the story of the accident which inspired her to give her life to this work. Send...
United News
Tom Disher
Besides the wealth of information on the new website, there is the opportunity to connect with others.
Last year around the Feast of Tabernacles my grandmother died. We were very close—growing up, I spent a lot of time at her house. She was 90 years old and lived a very full life, but it’s always hard to lose a loved one...
Conference Event
Sunday, May 05, 2019 - 9:00am to 9:15am EDT
Ballroom, Holiday Inn Eastgate, 4501 Eastgate Blvd., Cincinnati, OH, 45245
Donald Ward

The General Conference of Elders 2019 begins.

Agenda items:

  • Call to order
  • Approval of 2018 minutes
  • Opening comments
Good News
by David Treybig
Some marriage counselors claim that couples should learn to fight fairly and not worry about their tendency to argue. This conventional wisdom is now proving to be not so wise after all.
