United Church of God


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Total results: 6077.
Dan Dowd

We are a church that follows the teachings of Christ and the early New Testament church. We observe the seventh-day Sabbath and God's Holy Days...

United News
Donna Myers
The Oshkosh, Wisconsin, congregation held a farewell party and buffet luncheon for Mike and Zelda Hanisko following services on June 3.
The Oshkosh, Wisconsin, congregation held a farewell party and buffet luncheon for Mike and Zelda Hanisko following services on June 3. The Haniskos have served the Oshkosh and Milwaukee congregations for the past nine years and are...
United News
United News
Dan and Roxanne Dowd will be moving this summer from New England, where he has been pastoring the Portsmouth, New Hampshire, congregation, to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, area.
Dan and Roxanne Dowd will be moving this summer from New England, where he has been pastoring the Portsmouth, New Hampshire, congregation, to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, area. The Dowds will be replacing Mike and Zelda Hanisko as the...
United News
United News
ed On Dec. 10, the Council of Elders approved the credentialing of Donald Mathie as an elder.
On Dec. 10, the Council of Elders approved the credentialing of Donald Mathie as an elder. He is serving in the Oshkosh, Wisconsin, congregation. On Dec. 16, Kim Boykin was ordained an elder. He and his wife, Brenda, serve the...
United News
Chris Rowland
A few updates from the ministerial and member services.
In April, Roger Korthuis was named interim pastor of the congregation in Sedro-Woolley, Washington, following the death of pastor Warren Larson. Mr. Korthuis has served as an elder in the Sedro-Woolley congregation since September 2016,...
by William Bradford
Northwest Indiana
This sermon starts with the annual congregational review for Beloit, Chicago, and Northwest Indiana, before proceeding into this year's spiritual theme for the three congregations: living first & every day as citizens of heaven.
Leone Burns
On the Sabbath of April 7, 2007, members from around the Midwest were hosted by the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, congregation at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin.
On the Sabbath of April 7, 2007, members from around the Midwest were hosted by the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, congregation at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin. Traditionally the Milwaukee congregation hosts a dinner dance...
by William Bradford
Northwest Indiana
Paul received from Christ the teaching on how to observe the New Covenant Passover. The Corinthian Congregation had deviated from what Paul had taught them when Paul formed the church in Corinth (Acts 18). In his first letter to the...
United News
Teens ages 12-19 and their families are invited to attend the teen prom and family weekend hosted by the Milwaukee, WI congregation.
Teens ages 12-19 and their families are invited to attend the teen prom and family weekend hosted by the Milwaukee, WI congregation this spring. It will be held the weekend of April 7-9, 2023. Activities planned will include...
by William Bradford
Beloit, WI
Three goals for the congregation: Growing even more in unity, spiritual growth, and more service towards each other.
by Tony Stith
Eau Claire, WI
This message is about encouragement rather than correction, noting the existing love and unity within the congregation. The core message focuses on the process of being sifted, likening it to a winnowing process where trials and challenges...

We warmly welcome you to the Beloit, Wisconsin United Church of God

We are anxious to meet all of the people who are desirous of learning more about God's way of life!

We observe the seventh-day Sabbath and ...

by William Bradford
Beloit, WI
As we come out of COVID, how can we grow closer, not only as a congregation, but as a Church? This message explores three points that help us to grow together into the body of Christ.

Is God calling you to a deeper understanding of His Word? Do you seek to serve Him and live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God? Are you searching for a small congregation to worship and fellowship with in order to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? If so, we welcome you to visit the congregation in La Crosse.

The mission of the...

by William Bradford
Northwest Indiana
The second sermon in the Abide Series, given in the Munster, Indiana congregation.
by William Bradford
Beloit, WI
We begin our monthly congregational Bible study into the first epistle of John with this message. This includes an introduction and summary of the life of John, as well as covering the first two verses of the first chapter.
by William Bradford
Northwest Indiana
Sermon given by William Bradford on July 9, 2022 in Munster, Indiana congregation.
United News
United News
Several instructors from the home office and others from the field ministry conducted the classes and workshops for the 11 men from the United States and four from other countries.
Jan. 22 to 30, 2007, Ministerial Services held training classes for new pastors. Several instructors from the home office and others from the field ministry conducted the classes and workshops for the 11 men from the United States and...
by Randy D'Alessandro
Beloit, WI
This sermon goes step-by-step through the 7 Trumpets of Revelation. A two-page handout is available
Dan Dowd

We warmly welcome you to the Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin United Church of God

We are anxious to meet all of the people who are desirous of learning more about God's way of life!

We are a church that follows the teachings of Christ and the early New Testament church. We observe the ...
