United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 8029.
by Gary Petty
Murfreesboro, TN
Do demons influence the world? Do demons influence us?
by Bill Bradford
Cincinnati East, OH
The Church has the means by which to determine teaching and doctrine. It is important to clarify that because there are a lot of varying ideas as to how doctrine or teaching is arrived at within the Church.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Studies reveal a large gap between what many Christians think the Bible says and what it really teaches. Study to know the truth!
by Stephen Betts
Huntsville, AL
Should Christians be baptized? Does the bible give us any guidance on this topic? Does the bible tell us how to be baptized? This message is a review of the fundamental doctrine of baptism.
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
Sound doctrines and beliefs must be based on the word of God... absorbing the content... teaching it to others... supporting those who teach... supporting the authority that is behind it... intellectually... administratively... emotionally...
by Gary Smith
Houston, TX
Probably the most widely held belief in christianity is the belief that at death Christians immediately go to heaven to be with God and Christ. But in this sermon Mr. Smith asks, is this doctrine biblical? He answers this question by...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
What is doctrine and how should Christians apply it to their lives?
by Jerry Burnhauser
Lehigh Valley, PA
Many people desire to have God communicate with them. God desires this too. Unfortunately, many refuse the means God put in place for this communication, the Bible. Because of this many fall prey to doctrines of demons.
by Chuck Smith
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Is the doctrine of the trinity mentioned anywhere in the Bible? How can we explain certain scriptures used to promote it? Let's use "just the facts" to answer these questions.
by Victor Kubik
Twin Cities, MN
The Resurrection of the Dead is one of the main doctrines of the Chuch (Hebrews 6:1-2). It is the core of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, I Corinthians 15 is called the Resurrection chapter. It contains five aspects of the...
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
Saint Patrick's Day is a well-recognized holiday in the Western world. Celebrated in mid-March with no other Christian holidays around it, Saint Patrick's Day has taken on a very festive atmosphere. While many picture wearing green, three-...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
There is a modern application of the blessings of Abraham. Political happenings of today can be better understood through this historical lens.
by Kevin Call
Portsmouth, OH
Why do we as children of God believe what we believe? What gives our religious belief substance? Our belief is founded on God's word, and the doctrines through out God's word, understanding these doctrines are critical to living a Godly...
by Robert Gardenhire
Las Vegas, NV
Gardenhire relates how the early church soon lost the truth of the Sabbath. Then their understanding of other truths was compromised and lost. Gardenhire recounts the incredible value of observing the Sabbath for the Church.
by Gary Petty
Murfreesboro, TN
The resurrection of the dead is a core belief in the Church of God. It is a source of hope for God's people. This is the fifth sermon in a series covering the fundamental teachings of Hebrews 6.
by Mario Seiglie
Orange County, CA
The Trinity doctrine is a cardinal belief in mainstream Christianity, however it does not come from the Bible. This message will look into the history of the Trinity doctrine and reveal four key reasons why this misbelief is not biblical.
by Jorge de Campos
Dallas, TX
Understanding the spiritual principles and doctrines applicable to God's Holy Days is critically important to understanding God's plan of Salvation, which is, after all, the main theme of the Bible.
by david m mirigian
San Jose, CA
How would someone who has come to understand one or more Bible truths find the Church that Jesus Christ founded in the first century? It would be the Church that is described in the New Testament that the disciples and apostles established...
by Rod Foster
San Antonio, TX
Often well-meaning people take a look at Romans 14 to say that the church no longer has to keep the Sabbath and can now partake of unclean meats as labeled in Leviticus. Even the church today has to defend our belief in the Sabbath and...
by Paul Moody
Kennewick, WA
Most people would expect all Bibles to say the same thing concerning matters of doctrine. Think again. This sermon reviews the history of the Greek New Testament manuscripts that have been used to translate the Bible into English. What...
