United Church of God


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Total results: 50477.
by Lewis VanAusdle
New Jersey - North
A root of bitterness is a dangerous thing. It can make it difficult or even impossible for a person to truly forgive someone in their heart. A root of bitterness against a person or against God can cause an individual to turn back to sin....
by Jonathan Hill
Sacramento, CA
"In Hebrews 12:14-15 we're told the following, ""Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up...
by Joe Horton
Mansfield, OH
With the Passover coming soon, self-examination is a crucial part of this time. One area we can examine is bitterness. Three reasons to examine this topic: 1) All of us can fall victim to bitterness (we have to be aware of its origins). 2...
by Dan Preston
Charlotte, NC
Dealing with Feelings of Bitterness – Vengeance, or revenge, is not ours to take. While we can usually restrain ourselves from acting out on revenge fantasies, the feelings that drive that desire are harder to tame. Embitterment or...
by Stan Martin
St. Petersburg, FL
We are all familiar with Judas Iscariot. A handpicked disciple who traveled with Jesus Christ as he was preaching the gospel, healing of the sick, and even casting out demons. So what happened? In this sermon we will learn how over time...
by Joel Borton
Ft. Wayne, IN
Bitterness is like a poison. Things may appear okay on the outside, but on the inside something very different is brewing. God tells us that we must guard against any root of bitterness. This sermon explains what bitterness is and gives...
by Stan Martin
Tampa, FL
We are all familiar with Judas Iscariot. A handpicked disciple who traveled with Jesus Christ as he was preaching the gospel, healing of the sick, and even casting out demons. So what happened? In this sermon we will learn how over time...
by Chris Rowland
Cincinnati East, OH
What is bitterness? What are some of the wrong ways to cope with bitterness? Who can we become bitter toward and what are some recommendations that can help us to root out bitterness from our lives? 
by Gary Petty
Murfreesboro, TN
How could bitterness lead you to give up your birthright? What would you be willing to sell your inheritance for? This message describes what a root of bitterness is and how we can avoid developing this in our lives.
by Nathan Ekama
Phoenix East, AZ
Do we hang on to anger after an argument? How long does it take for us to calm down and apologize afterward? Today I want to talk about the tougher part of relationships. Defining what a grudge is, how we get to that point, and then how we...
by Don Hooser
Dallas, TX
Paul compares the church to the human body. Each part contributes something valuable to the body. Cancer is when one's own cells work against the body and for itself. Resentment - a form of hatred - is a cancer in the body of the...
by Dale Yates
Tampa, FL
Bitterness is referred to as deadly root we are told to beware.  How can we make sure we don't allow it to take us out of the church?
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Can you turn life's lemons into lemonade?
by Stan Martin
Dallas, TX
The Bible tells us of the need to not let a root of bitterness enter our life. If we should allow anything to cause us to develop this root of bitterness, it can certainly draw us away from the truth to a life of sorrow.
by Ken Martin
Columbus, GA
What is the tool that Satan uses called bitterness, and how can we avoid the effects that it can have upon us?
by Paul Moody
Kennewick, WA
When we allow wrongs done to us, real or imagined, to fester without forgiveness, a root of bitterness is able to take hold and grow. When we are angry, we need to deal with it and forgive as soon as possible so we won't be defiled by...
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
Holiness can be undermined by bitterness… leading to defilement… leading us to becoming godless and profane
by Dale Yates
Tampa, FL
In Hebrews 12:15 we're told, NIV "See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many." Here the author uses the term "bitter root" as a metaphor for that which could bring harm...
by Stan Martin
Knoxville, TN
We can develop a root of bitterness if not careful in our Christian walk
by Melvin Parks
Greensboro, NC
We live in very challenging times. Are you tempted to compromise?
