United Church of God


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Beyond Today Magazine

Bible prophecy speaks of two very different times ahead for our world. One is a time of unparalleled peace and plenty to follow Jesus Christ’s return to establish the Kingdom of God on earth.

Beyond Today Magazine

The news is full of one major shakeup after another.

Beyond Today Magazine

It’s obvious that our world is plagued with serious problems.

Beyond Today Magazine

October 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of a major turning point in world history—the beginning of the Protestant Reformation when the German priest/professor Martin Luther challenged several Catholic teachings and practices.

Good News

What is the purpose of your life? Why does God care about you? Nothing could be more critical for you than to understand your future!  God has a message for you: The time is now to discover the answers and begin living His purpose for you.

United News
Peter Eddington
Beyond Today airing schedule
Download the September 2016 Beyond Today airing schedule.
Download the September, 2016, Beyond Today TV airing schedule that features the program titles, subject synopsis for each week, host of each program, literature offered and the airing dates. Beyond Today airs...
Beyond Today Magazine

World War I, which ended a century ago, was so brutally horrifying that it was soon called “The War to End All Wars.” Yet it was anything but. It was followed a generation later by World War II, and countless wars since then. What is the root cause of war?
