United Church of God


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Total results: 728.
Frank Fish

Links to UCG Orange County and UCG Bakersfield

The United Church of God in Los Angeles is a part of the spiritual body of Jesus Christ and is a congregation within the United Church of God, an International Association with...

Good Works
Michelle Roig
Good Works
I left a part of my heart with them. They have much love and affection to give without expecting something in return.
Llegamos el día lunes 26 de diciembre a mediodía a Boa Vista, Brasil. Luego viajamos media hora aproximadamente, hasta llegar al lugar del campamento llamado “Eco Park”, en donde tiempo después llegaron los jóvenes a instalarse en el lugar...
Bible Study Aids

Too many of us live at a frantic pace, trying desperately to stay on top of everything we need to get done. It's no wonder we feel out of touch with our spouses, our families and even our Creator.

Bible Study Aids

Many people have misconceptions about the biblical teaching on clean and unclean meats. What does Scripture really reveal on the subject of dietary food laws?

Hymnal App Download the United Church of God hymnal app, with searchable song titles and piano recordings. You will need to be connected to the Internet to access the audio. The hymnal app is available for the iOS and Android mobile...
Bible Study Aids

More than three decades after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia is aggressively reasserting itself on the world stage, raising fears of a renewed Russian expansionism. How might this play out in Bible prophecy?

The Church Jesus Built
by United Church of God
Few realize that God's Word reveals that Satan the devil has deceived and blinded most of the world. Only through God's calling can that blindness be healed. How does that help us understand who is truly part of the Church?
Bible Study Aids

“Grace” is a word not often used these days, except in a religious sense. But what does it really mean? What does it teach us about God the Father and Jesus Christ? What did the word mean when the biblical writers used it?

Russia and Bible Prophecy
by Mario Seiglie, Tom Robinson
More than three decades after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia is aggressively reasserting itself on the world stage, raising fears of a renewed Russian expansionism. How might this play out in Bible prophecy?
Russia and Bible Prophecy
by Scott Ashley, Tom Robinson
The communist revolution that began in Russia more than 100 years ago ultimately swept up many nations in its grip. And although the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Russia’s influence on America and the rest of the world continues in ways...
Russia and Bible Prophecy
by Victor Kubik
Geographic shortcomings helped mold the Russian national psyche, fostering a xenophobic viewpoint—an intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.
Russia and Bible Prophecy
by Victor Kubik
Russia’s recent actions in Ukraine follow a long history of imperialist oppression. Are these events leading the world back to the brink of nuclear extinction?
Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist?
by United Church of God
If God is real, why doesn't He reveal Himself to us in a way that should erase any doubt of His existence?
Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist?
by United Church of God
Why does man reject the God of the Bible and the divine laws that define His standards?
Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist?
by United Church of God
God created you with a specific purpose in mind.
Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist?
by United Church of God
The more deeply scientists delve into the mysteries of the universe, the more their discoveries support the existence of God. But all too often they are remarkably silent about this aspect of their findings.
Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist?
by United Church of God
So many of our planet's forms of life are dependent on an environment in which liquid water is stable.
