United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 1352.
United News
Peter Eddington
Overall response to United's new video effort has been very positive.
Overall, the first two months of activity at the Beyond Today Web site, www.beyondtoday.tv, went very well. We had 4,844 visitors to the site in December of 2005, and then a very healthy increase to 13,115 for January of 2006...
United News
United News
Get ready for a fun summer of camps! Details about each United Youth Camp can be found by clicking the links below. See you this summer!
Camps are subject to modification or cancellation depending on each area’s changing regulations. All updates will be posted at uyc.ucg.org. Stay up to date! Teen camps this year will be: • June 20-21—Cotubic (Ohio) • June 27-July 4—...
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
Pistis is the Greek word most often translated as faith. This message looks at how the contemporary usage of "pistis" help us understand what the New Testament writers were trying to convey when they used "pistis" in conjunction with the...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
By what authority and event is the Sabbath established? It was at the creation by the example of God during the establishment of the seventh day. The Sabbath was set apart by the Creator God at creation. It was from this act and example...
Hymnal App Download the United Church of God hymnal app, with searchable song titles and piano recordings. You will need to be connected to the Internet to access the audio. The hymnal app is available for the iOS and Android mobile...
by Scott McKeon
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
We are in a battle for the control of our mind. The consequences of naivety and willful blindness could be significant. We will explore the issue, biblical direction, and a proposed action plan regarding our screen time and device usage...
by Tim Franke
Nashville, TN
Words can be redefined in common usage that change their original intent, including words that are part of our Christian faith. In this sermon, we explore the concept of Christian submission from the scriptures.
by Tim Martens
Northwest Arkansas
The word "pride" is used very often to connote a negative character quality, and rightfully so, but its English usage can also be used in a positive light, unrelated to arrogance or self-righteousness. This word is a good example for...
by Steve Buchanan
El Paso, TX
There are numerous examples of the usage of the word "saints" in both Old and New Testaments. Who are the "saints" and how does God express Himself to them? What does He have in store for them?
by Bruce Anderson
Twin Cities, MN
Definition the act of founding, establishing, building etc the act of creating, creation creation i.e. thing created of individual things, beings, a creature, a creation 1b anything created 1b after a rabbinical usage (by which a man...
Is God a Trinity?
by United Church of God
Throughout Scripture we come back to the reality that God has chosen to express His personal nature in terms of a family relationship. Elohim is the Hebrew word translated "God" in every passage of Genesis 1 as well as in more than 2,000...
Who Is God?
by United Church of God
Throughout Scripture we come back to the reality that God has chosen to express His personal nature in terms of a family relationship.
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
The use of numbers plays a very significant role in scripture. Numbers often have a symbolic meaning. Sometimes they have a prophetic significance. Some numbers used often in scripture are 3, 7, 12, 40 and 70. Today, I would like to...
Website Help
You are able to download audio and video files from select sermons, Beyond Today programs and BT Dailies. We offer several types of media files that can be downloaded to your local computer or other device - which...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
We can learn quite a bit about our approach to Passover by considering one of the titles of our Savior Jesus Christ. Let's look at the usages of His title, the Lamb of God, considering the Passover lamb and some of the history of...
by Gary Beam
Birmingham, AL
The word 'Nothing,' is one of those often used words in our everyday vocabulary! In its common usage, it usually denotes and gives the implication that nothing is existent, not relating to anything of reality! And yet, when we observe the...
Service Project
On Thursday evening, December 1st there was a major disturbance in the village of our UCG members Manik and Rita Balaam.

$28,467 raised of $23,000 goal

OFFICIAL CHURCH LOGOS Tagged Image Format (TIFF) files should usually import into Word documents from the Insert menu in Word. The JPEG versions are more suited to Web and other graphic applications. To download the...
