United Church of God


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Total results: 5854.
Beyond Today Magazine

For the last year the world has dealt with the scourge of Covid-19, a disease that has dominated the headlines as well as our individual lives. Yet a far deadlier plague infects our world, exacting a far greater death toll and ruining far more lives.

Beyond Today Magazine

Ideas have consequences.

Beyond Today Magazine

The news headlines show the United States not to be united, but to be deeply divided over the nation’s past, present and future.

United News
John LaBissoniere
Two new Good News "take one" subscription brochures are now available for distribution by our brethren in the United States.
Two new Good News "take one" subscription brochures are now available for distribution by our brethren in the United States. One brochure features a cover photo of a lion and lamb with the headline "Will Our...
United News
United News
An encouraging trend...
The total print quantity of the January-February 2006 Good News magazine was 401,231. While this is less than our highest print run of 526,173 reached for the September-October 2002 issue, there is an encouraging trend—...
Good News
by Melvin Rhodes
An interview with Joseph Nicolosi, a clinical psychologist and experts on homosexuality.
Good News
by Good News
"To those who do not wish to understand, all news is a surprise."- William Rees-Mogg, Times (of London) columnist
United News
Peter EddingtonJohn LaBissoniere
The ad in the April 2007 U.S. Reader's Digest offering a subscription to The Good News and a copy of the booklet The Middle East in Bible Prophecy has exceeded expectations.
Total responses at the end of January 2008 were 35,376, and last year's ads in American Baby and Parents magazines have brought in 12,406 and 6,177 respectively. This totals 53,959 new GN subscribers and booklet readers. Along with the...
United News
Michael Mukarati
Distribution of The Good News magazine and other Church literature from within Zimbabwe began in February 2000 after our pastor, André van Belkum, asked if my wife, Primrose, and I would be willing to take up the task, and we gladly...
Distribution of The Good News magazine and other Church literature from within Zimbabwe began in February 2000 after our pastor, André van Belkum, asked if my wife, Primrose, and I would be willing to take up the task,...
United News
John LaBissoniere
Members can help distribute new brochures.
A vigorous Good News print advertising campaign is planned for the new fiscal year. Nearly 13.3 million U.S. households will be reached through direct mail and "take one" brochures, resulting in over 100,000 new ...
Good News
by Jerold Aust
A Good News interview with Shocked by the Bible author Joe Kovacs.
United News
Elizabeth Cannon
Viral posting? RSS? Twitter? With all of these new words and ideas, it seems like the Internet is creating its own language!
To help you make sense of this new Web lingo, read this short list of key terms you need to know when sharing UCG Web sites, publications and videos on the Internet. RSS Feed When you subscribe to a newsletter, you expect to receive...
by Brian Shaw
Twin Cities, MN
Preaching the good news of God’s rule is not just for public proclamation.
United News
United News
The total print order for the January/February 2008 Good News magazine is 529,565, a new record. The previous high was 526,173 in September of 2002.
The total print order for the January/February 2008 Good News magazine is 529,565, a new record. The previous high was 526,173 in September of 2002. The quantities printed at three sites around the world are as follows...
United News
Edwin Van Pelt
As of the end of January we have 15,400 subscribers to The Good News magazine (GN ) on file in Canada. We added 600 new subscribers during January, with a number of them coming from the Internet and from the ad in the Canadian Reader's...
A total of 810 new people were added to the Canadian files in January. In addition to the 600 subscribers mentioned above, we added a number of new readers (those who requested booklets but not a GN subscription) as well as a number of new...
Good News
by Gary Petty
The Bible contains hundreds of prophecies about God's Kingdom, which Jesus Christ will establish when He returns to earth. And what a kingdom it will be! Notice a few of the major prophetic themes from the Bible regarding the Kingdom:
