United Church of God


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United News
United News
What's New on the Web?
World News and Prophecy Seminars online. View recent seminars given by writers of World News and Prophecy at www.wnponline.org/videos/. E-mail Updates...
United News
United News
What's New on the Web?
World News and Prophecy Seminars online. View recent seminars given by writers of World News and Prophecy at www.wnponline.org/videos/. E-mail Updates...
United News
United News
After years of having quarterly teleconferences, Vertical Thought staff members gathered at the home office Jan. 23 for their first face-to-face meeting.
"It was very encouraging and productive for the members of our staff to have a face-to-face meeting," said David Treybig, managing editor. "The creative juices always seem to flow a little faster, and the enthusiasm seems...
United News
Peter EddingtonJohn LaBissoniere
The traffic on the Vertical Thought Web site continued to increase in 2007.
From approximately 5,000 hits a month in January 2006, the number increased to approximately 22,000 a month in January 2007 and to over 29,000 in January 2008. Also, 4,150 people have subscribed to Vertical News —a monthly e-mail...
Vertical Thought
by David Treybig
Youth United becomes new printed magazine: Vertical Thought
