United Church of God


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Total results: 50707.
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
In this second message during the Kingdom of God Bible Seminar in Atlanta, Philip Aust explains the remainder of God's plan of salvation for all mankind by describing the final four of God's Holy Days that take place in the Fall: the Feast...
by Mark Welch
Northwest Arkansas
This first session of the Kingdom of God Bible Seminar, entitled, "God's Holy Day Plan," will be used to answer the title question by showing how God clearly established His Holy Days as revealed in the Bible, including what days are...
by Dave Hale
Denver, CO
Daily headlines warn us about financial uncertainty, terror threats and continuing culture wars. How can you be prepared for the next turn in world events? God wants you and your family to survive and succeed! Today, let’s learn how you...
by Mark Welch
Northwest Arkansas
This second session of the Kingdom of God Bible Seminar, entitled, "God's Holy Day Plan," will be used to show how God's plan of salvation for mankind (not just present day Christians) is revealed in His Holy Days. Why do Christians...
Good News
by Scott Ashley
In my travels I've seen too much compelling evidence for prophecy's dead-on accuracy to ignore its truthfulness and crucial message for our times.
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
United Church of God congregation sponsored a Kingdom of God Bible Seminar for readers or the Good News Magazine, Beyond Today TV program viewers and others interested in understanding what Christ preached about the soon-coming Kingdom of...
by Don McCoy
Columbia, MD
Part 2 of the Kingdom of God seminar that linked God's kingdom to the seven Holy Days given in Leviticus 23.
by Don McCoy
Columbia, MD
Part 1 of the Kingdom of God seminar that linked God's Kingdom to the Seven Holy Days given in Leviticus 23.
by Steven Britt
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 2021
We look forward to Jesus Christ establishing a literal Kingdom on the earth! This public seminar was given at the Feast of Tabernacles in Lancaster, PA.
United News
Chuck Zimmerman
Three Kingdom of God Bible Seminars were held in Jamaica and St. Lucia during the Holy Days.
In Montego Bay, Jamaica, a seminar was held on March 23. This was the second lecture conducted by UCG in Montego Bay. Good Newssubscribers from the surrounding area were invited. Nine new people attended the lecture, which was...
by Kevin Good
Hickory, NC
Kingdom of God Bible Seminar.  How can we be prepared for the next turn of world events? 
by Leroy Cole
Lehigh Valley, PA
Kingdom of God Seminar - 8 specific reasons why as a church we believe in keeping the Sabbath and Holy Days.
Kingdom of God Bible Seminars
by Steve Myers
Steve Myers presents a Kingdom of God Bible Seminar.
United News
Gary Antion
Nearly 1,100 enjoy winter weekend in Cincinnati at the Great Wolf Lodge. Sports, seminars, Bible study, music, games, a water park and fellowship leave all wanting more.
Judging by the numbers in attendance of nearly 1,100, the smiles on participants’ faces, the number of expressions of gratitude and the smoothness of operations, this year’s Winter Family Weekend was a great success! The WFW...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
Our Loving Creator God has outlined His marvelous plans for mankind through the Holy Days and the Sabbath, which He has instructed us to observe. Through this Kingdom of God seminar, let's look at the steps, and what they mean for our...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
America and the world continue to face rapid, stressful change. Will you be prepared for what's ahead or be caught unaware?
Good News
by Noel Hornor
The birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ fulfilled hundreds of prophecies. Every one came to pass with incredible accuracy. Such fulfilled prophecy serves as proof that the Bible is true - and that God's plan for your future...
United News
David MyersDon Henson
On the Sabbath on March 18, 2006, World News and Prophecy writers and editors came to Akron, Ohio, for a World News and Prophecy Sabbath.
On the Sabbath on March 18, 2006, World News and Prophecy writers and editors came to Akron, Ohio, for a World News and Prophecy Sabbath. The day began with a combined Sabbath service with the Akron, Canton,...
