United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 50810.
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
United Church of God congregation sponsored a Kingdom of God Bible Seminar for readers or the Good News Magazine, Beyond Today TV program viewers and others interested in understanding what Christ preached about the soon-coming Kingdom of...
by Kevin Good
Hickory, NC
Kingdom of God Bible Seminar.  How can we be prepared for the next turn of world events? 
by Dave Hale
Denver, CO
Daily headlines warn us about financial uncertainty, terror threats and continuing culture wars. How can you be prepared for the next turn in world events? God wants you and your family to survive and succeed! Today, let’s learn how you...
by Mark Welch
Tulsa, OK
Kingdom of God Bible Seminar Series, Part 5, Session 1 Just what is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God? Christ included praying “thy Kingdom come” in the sample prayer for His disciples, but so many do not understand the truth about the...
by Paul Burnes
Atlanta, GA
United Church of God congregation sponsored a Kingdom of God Bible Seminar for readers or the Good News Magazine, Beyond Today TV program viewers and others interested in understanding what Christ preached about the soon-coming Kingdom of...
by Mark Welch
Northwest Arkansas
A Kingdom of God Bible Seminar Today's titled question will be answered by first answering four other questions:   Why don't we have world peace? Why is the Kingdom of God the solution? What is a major, underlying crisis of...
by Mark Welch
Tulsa, OK
Kingdom of God Bible Seminar Series, Part 5, Session 2 Just what is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God? Christ included praying “thy Kingdom come” in the sample prayer for His disciples, but so many do not understand the truth about the...
United News
Peter Eddington
Very encouraging reports are arriving from Kingdom of God Bible Seminar presenters about the second round of seminars they’ve held.
Very encouraging reports are arriving from Kingdom of God Bible Seminar presenters about the second round of seminars they’ve held. Despite some wintry weather in North America, more than 1,000 guests attended—and we still...
by Gary Petty
San Antonio, TX
We live in a world without peace. There is a solution. This is part 1.
by John Miller
North Canton, OH
Why it Mattered for Israel. Why it Matters for Christians Today. Why it Matters for the Kingdom of God. Learn more in this Kingdom of God seminar.
by John Miller
North Canton, OH
Why it Mattered for Israel. Why it Matters for Christians Today. Why it Matters for the Kingdom of God. Learn more in this Kingdom of God seminar.
Kingdom of God Bible Seminars
by Steve Myers
Steve Myers presents a Kingdom of God Bible Seminar.
by John LaBissoniere
Knoxville, TN
 KOG seminar
United News
Howard Davis
What the Kingdom of God seminars are all about and how each member can be involved.
Beginning on the Sabbath of September 10, the United Church of God will hold Kingdom of God Bible Seminars at more than 150 locations in North America, South America, Australia, Europe, New Zealand, the Philippines and Africa. Since...
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
In this second message during the Kingdom of God Bible Seminar in Atlanta, Philip Aust explains the remainder of God's plan of salvation for all mankind by describing the final four of God's Holy Days that take place in the Fall: the Feast...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
This was a local Kingdom of God seminar given in the greater Cleveland area. The seminar included a PowerPoint presentation.
by Kevin Call
Portsmouth, OH
Listen as Mr. Kevin Call covers 4 questions that help prepare us for what lies ahead, in the next segment of the Kingdom of God Bible Seminar.
United News
Chuck Zimmerman
Three Kingdom of God Bible Seminars were held in Jamaica and St. Lucia during the Holy Days.
In Montego Bay, Jamaica, a seminar was held on March 23. This was the second lecture conducted by UCG in Montego Bay. Good Newssubscribers from the surrounding area were invited. Nine new people attended the lecture, which was...
by Gary Petty
San Antonio, TX
The solution to finding peace in a world without peace.
