United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 50647.
United News
Ken Kerr
On June 30th the Springfield, Illinois, congregation held Sabbath services at the Crown Plaza Hotel.
On June 30th the Springfield, Illinois, congregation held Sabbath services at the Crown Plaza Hotel. Randy Stiver spoke about the lost tribes of Israel in his “Tribe Tracker” seminar in the morning. He also gave the sermon in...
United News
Peter Eddington
Very encouraging reports are arriving from Kingdom of God Bible Seminar presenters about the second round of seminars they’ve held.
Very encouraging reports are arriving from Kingdom of God Bible Seminar presenters about the second round of seminars they’ve held. Despite some wintry weather in North America, more than 1,000 guests attended—and we still...
Phyllis Knochel
Our unsung hero is one of our deaconesses, Sandy Saurbaugh, of the Bloomington/Normal, Illinois, congregation.
Our unsung hero is one of our deaconesses, Sandy Saurbaugh, of the Bloomington/Normal, Illinois, congregation. When Sandy was widowed, she started searching for areas of service. She and her husband had been very active in serving...
United News
Peter Eddington
Six events have now been completed in the Beyond Today live series of events titled America: The Time Is Now! Since last October seminars have been held in Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston, Texas; Nashville, Tennessee; Indianapolis,...
Results The event in Nashville, Tennessee, on Sunday, Feb. 21, drew 152 total people, with 45 of those being new guests who were invited to attend via ads in Beyond Today magazine, BT subscriber letters, online...
United News
United News
Calendar of Events
July 20-23: Bluegrass Family Fun Weekend at Sally Buffalo Park near Cadiz, Ohio (www.ucgnet.org/wheeling/bluegrass). Aug. 5-6: Denver, Colorado, 50th Anniversary (larry_neff@ucg.org). ...
United News
United News
Calendar of Events
Aug. 4-9: Council of Elders meetings, Cincinnati, Ohio. Aug. 5-6: Denver, Colorado, 50th Anniversary (larry_neff@ucg.org). Aug. 6: Ocoee white-water rafting trip, hosted by...
United News
Kim Olar
Derek Olar graduated with honors from Methodist College of Nursing in Peoria, Illinois, on May 12 with a bachelor of science degree in nursing.
Derek Olar graduated with honors from Methodist College of Nursing in Peoria, Illinois, on May 12 with a bachelor of science degree in nursing. Derek attends the Canton/Bloomington, Illinois, church area. He has been married for 11...
by Dave Hale
Denver, CO
Daily headlines warn us about financial uncertainty, terror threats and continuing culture wars. How can you be prepared for the next turn in world events? God wants you and your family to survive and succeed! Today, let’s learn how you...
United News
Sherrie A Giddens
On July 14, the St. Louis, Missouri, and Troy, Illinois, congregations held combined Sabbath services followed by a potluck meal.
On July 14, the St. Louis, Missouri, and Troy, Illinois, congregations held combined Sabbath services followed by a potluck meal. Afterwards, married couples were invited to continue the weekend with a fun and educational Marriage...
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
United Church of God congregation sponsored a Kingdom of God Bible Seminar for readers or the Good News Magazine, Beyond Today TV program viewers and others interested in understanding what Christ preached about the soon-coming Kingdom of...

A buttery, flaky crescent roll, with a nutty, slightly spicy flavor.

United News
Gary Antion
Nearly 1,100 enjoy winter weekend in Cincinnati at the Great Wolf Lodge. Sports, seminars, Bible study, music, games, a water park and fellowship leave all wanting more.
Judging by the numbers in attendance of nearly 1,100, the smiles on participants’ faces, the number of expressions of gratitude and the smoothness of operations, this year’s Winter Family Weekend was a great success! The WFW...
by Kevin Good
Hickory, NC
Kingdom of God Bible Seminar.  How can we be prepared for the next turn of world events? 
United News
Howard Davis
What the Kingdom of God seminars are all about and how each member can be involved.
Beginning on the Sabbath of September 10, the United Church of God will hold Kingdom of God Bible Seminars at more than 150 locations in North America, South America, Australia, Europe, New Zealand, the Philippines and Africa. Since...
United News
Chuck Zimmerman
Three Kingdom of God Bible Seminars were held in Jamaica and St. Lucia during the Holy Days.
In Montego Bay, Jamaica, a seminar was held on March 23. This was the second lecture conducted by UCG in Montego Bay. Good Newssubscribers from the surrounding area were invited. Nine new people attended the lecture, which was...
Kingdom of God Bible Seminars
by Steve Myers
Steve Myers presents a Kingdom of God Bible Seminar.
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
This was a local Kingdom of God seminar given in the greater Cleveland area. The seminar included a PowerPoint presentation.
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely
Prophecy should awaken all of us to the urgency of our times and the need to change our lives.
