United Church of God


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Total results: 50785.
United News
Linda Morgan
The air was bustling with energy May 13 as brethren from the Columbia and St. Louis, Missouri, congregations gathered for their annual seminar, service and spring dinner/dance.
The air was bustling with energy May 13 as brethren from the Columbia and St. Louis, Missouri, congregations gathered for their annual seminar, service and spring dinner/dance. There were 78 in attendance for the 10 a.m. seminar. Guest...
United News
Peter Eddington
Six events have now been completed in the Beyond Today live series of events titled America: The Time Is Now! Since last October seminars have been held in Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston, Texas; Nashville, Tennessee; Indianapolis,...
Results The event in Nashville, Tennessee, on Sunday, Feb. 21, drew 152 total people, with 45 of those being new guests who were invited to attend via ads in Beyond Today magazine, BT subscriber letters, online...
United News
Peter Eddington
Beyond Today Live in Kansas City, Kansas, and St. Louis, Missouri.
Wow! What an incredible weekend that was spent by the Beyond Today production team and presenters for the two most recent Beyond Today Live events in Kansas City, Kansas, on Sunday, March 19, and St. Louis, Missouri, on Tuesday, March 21...
United News
Sherrie A Giddens
On July 14, the St. Louis, Missouri, and Troy, Illinois, congregations held combined Sabbath services followed by a potluck meal.
On July 14, the St. Louis, Missouri, and Troy, Illinois, congregations held combined Sabbath services followed by a potluck meal. Afterwards, married couples were invited to continue the weekend with a fun and educational Marriage...
by Mark Welch
Tulsa, OK
Kingdom of God Bible Seminar Series, Part 5, Session 1 Just what is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God? Christ included praying “thy Kingdom come” in the sample prayer for His disciples, but so many do not understand the truth about the...
by Mark Welch
Tulsa, OK
Kingdom of God Bible Seminar Series, Part 5, Session 2 Just what is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God? Christ included praying “thy Kingdom come” in the sample prayer for His disciples, but so many do not understand the truth about the...
by Dave Hale
Denver, CO
Daily headlines warn us about financial uncertainty, terror threats and continuing culture wars. How can you be prepared for the next turn in world events? God wants you and your family to survive and succeed! Today, let’s learn how you...
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
United Church of God congregation sponsored a Kingdom of God Bible Seminar for readers or the Good News Magazine, Beyond Today TV program viewers and others interested in understanding what Christ preached about the soon-coming Kingdom of...
by Mark Welch
Northwest Arkansas
A Kingdom of God Bible Seminar Today's titled question will be answered by first answering four other questions:   Why don't we have world peace? Why is the Kingdom of God the solution? What is a major, underlying crisis of...
by Kevin Good
Hickory, NC
Kingdom of God Bible Seminar.  How can we be prepared for the next turn of world events? 
by Gary Petty
San Antonio, TX
We live in a world without peace. There is a solution. This is part 1.
United News
Read this week's updates from local congregations and around the world.
From Ministerial and Member Services . . . Recent Ordinations We’re happy to announce that two new elders were ordained on the Day of Pentecost, June 16, 2024. Marco Lecea was ordained into the ministry. He serves...
by Paul Burnes
Atlanta, GA
United Church of God congregation sponsored a Kingdom of God Bible Seminar for readers or the Good News Magazine, Beyond Today TV program viewers and others interested in understanding what Christ preached about the soon-coming Kingdom of...
by Gary Smith
Houston, TX
In this Kingdom of God seminar, Gary Smith asks and answers four important questions. In part 1 he covers "Why don't we have world peace?" and "Why is the Kingdom of God the solution?"
by Scott Delamater
Phoenix East, AZ
How to Prepare for the Times to Come. Learn more in this Kingdom of God seminar.
Kingdom of God Bible Seminars
by Steve Myers
Steve Myers presents a Kingdom of God Bible Seminar.
United News
David Johnson
By the end of this calendar year we will have finished eight years of taking Ambassador Bible Center Continuing Education seminars out to a variety of local congregations in the United States and Canada.
ABC faculty members have been quite busy since the Feast, conducting four ABC Continuing Education seminars, with three more scheduled before the end of the year. On Oct. 20 and 21, the St. Louis, Missouri, and Fairview Heights,...
Good News
by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
The world is abuzz about the newborn son of Britain's Prince William and Duchess Kate—George Alexander Louis or Prince George of Cambridge, third in line to the British throne after Prince Charles and Prince William. His birth on July 22,...
