United Church of God


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Total results: 15487.
Compass Check
by Kayleen Schreiber
How understanding this brain chemical can help you find true and long-lasting happiness.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Michael Kelley
The minds of young people are being pummeled every day by an increasingly wayward culture and time spent plugged into social media. Let’s look at the broadening scope of the crisis—and explore realistic solutions.
by Derek Einersen
Houston, TX
in this split sermon Derek Einersen warns us not to let the things focused on by the news media draw our attention away from the things God wants us to focus on. He shows how the prayer outline in Matthew 6 can be used to guide our...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Becky Sweat
The world around us prizes qualities that are ultimately worthless and harmful. Your awareness of them will help protect you and your children.
Inside United Podcast
by Victor Kubik, Peter Eddington
In Part 2 of his discussion with Victor Kubik, Peter Eddington details practical steps we can take to help the brokenhearted who are considering suicide, and God's plan for those we have tragically lost to suicide.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
An interesting media story during the coronavirus pandemic brings us a helpful reminder.
Inside United Podcast
by Peter Eddington, Victor Kubik
Peter Eddington and Victor Kubik discuss the problem of depression and suicide in Part 1 of their two-part conversation.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
How much time are you spending on certain habits?
Beyond Today Magazine
by Beyond Today Editor
Early last year the term “fake news” wasn’t a part of our vocabulary. Sure, there were satirical news and websites that had obvious fake news, but it was for fun and entertainment. Then this new idea of fake news spread across Facebook and...
Inside United Podcast
by Peter Eddington, Victor Kubik
Peter Eddington joins Victor Kubik to discuss his recent interview with Andi Chapman about stress, depression, and suicide, as well as various publications and media recently produced by UCG in an effort to help those who are suffering.
Inside United Podcast
by Victor Kubik, Justin Palm
Justin Palm and Victor Kubik continue their discussion on fake news, focusing this time on helpful tips for navigating the confusing and deceptive media landscape.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
A new study shows that people are drinking much more during the coronavirus pandemic. Be careful!
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
This week's taping of three new programs highlight the diversity of Beyond Today Media in its coverage of vital topics for today's audience.
United News
by Katherine Rowland
Social media and the digital age has made communication more accessible than ever before. But is every idea worth sharing? What is our Christian responsibility?
Compass Check

It’s summer time. A favorite season for teens for two reasons: summer camp and no school. To be honest, I haven’t been a teen for decades and those are still two reasons I get excited for summer!
