United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 919.
by David Chornomaz
Hartford, CT
Can our belief in Jesus be defended? We take a look some scriptures that prove Jesus is real.
by Ken Skorseth
Fargo, ND
The annual Feast of Trumpets has great meaning as it leads us to focus on many references to trumpets in the bible. This sermon focuses on the time leading up to Christ's return when seven trumpets will sound. The seventh trumpet...
by Dan Dowd
Milwaukee, WI
How can we actually be at one with our Almighty God?
by Robin Webber
San Diego, CA
Webber looks at the varied roles of angels in Biblical history and for us today.
by Roy Holladay
Chattanooga, TN
A continuation of a Bible study on the book of Galatians.
by Darris McNeely
Indianapolis, IN
Who is the watchman of Ezekial? What is a watchman and are you one?
by Bob Fahey
Chicago, IL
Discover the importance of developing a habit of learning, learning the importance of learning and enjoying it because it can benefit your whole life. 
by Don Pirwitz
Lake George, New York 2012
What can we do to narrow the gap between what we hear at the Feast and our actions that come from what we hear?
by Mike Phelps
Ann Arbor, MI
We have each received a wonderful and powerful calling from God. The Feast of Trumpets is an excellent time of the year to reflect on the requirements of our calling and how they relate to this festival.
by Joe Horchak
Sacramento, CA
When we consider the spiritual goals that we may want to set for ourselves, it's important to do so with the directives to our lives that Christ outlined in the Sermon on the Mount.
by Harvey Wierenga
Grand Rapids, MI
The Holy Days are important to God's people. We need to be diligent Christians and watch vigilantly for the return of Jesus. The Holy Days can be very helpful in teaching us how to watch for Christ's return.
by Stan Martin
Tampa, FL
Narcissism can be summed up as an inordinate fascination of oneself. It can be an attitude of self interest, vanity and love for oneself. This is an attitude and situation that is not good. The early apostles warned about this type of...
by Kevin Call
Portsmouth, OH
There's much we can learn from senior citizens. Today we will look at one particular senior citizen in the bible. We will look at the life of Anna. We will see that the choices we make today determine what we will be tomorrow.
by James (Jim) Wilkins
Jekyll Island, Georgia 2015
The world has precious little peace today. In fact the entire history of man's attempt to rule himself has shown a lack of peace. The Feast of Tabernacles is a type of the peace that Jesus Christ will bring at His return beginning with a...
by Lonnie Johnson
Northwest Arkansas
The Bible provides for us an important contrast between good and evil. These are spiritual concepts; not physical. This contrast is sometimes expressed in the Bible as light compared to darkness, and it is important for us to understand...
by Ben Light
Salem, OR
When you consider the scope and scale of the universe, we inhabit a planet that is tiny and insignificant compared to the rest of the creation. Our sun, is one of 200 billion stars in the Milky Way, our galaxy, one of 100 billion... yet...
United News
Ariana Del Signore
On Feb. 7, Matt Hernandez, Mitch Moss and I met in Columbus, Ohio, for a tour of Hopkins Printing, which prints Compass Check magazine and the United Youth Camp magazine among other things for UCG.
On Feb. 7, Matt Hernandez, Mitch Moss and I met in Columbus, Ohio, for a tour of Hopkins Printing, which prints Compass Check magazine and the United Youth Camp magazine among other things for UCG. I had just sent the...
United News
Feast of Tabernacles
You can download PDFs of the 2024 Youth Festival Activity Booklets now.
Youth Festival Activity Booklets are now available online! There are three separate booklets for grades K-1, grades 2-3 and grades 4-6. Three PDFs are available for download by clicking "downloads" on the right side...
United News
Steve Myers
Would you like to have your own personal spiral-bound copy of the UCG Hymnal (song leader/pianist version)? We are planning a reprint of these and want to provide the opportunity for anyone to purchase one or more.
This large print, hardcover, spiral-ring bound, original version (8.875 x 11.25 in.) is available to everyone. It is especially helpful for song leaders, pianists and those who would benefit from larger-sized print or a hymnal that will...
