United Church of God


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Total results: 55399.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
The Bible doesn’t teach that you go to heaven upon death. But what it does expound is marvelous!
by Frederick Kellers
Nashville, TN
In his previous sermon, Fred Kellers, explained the Bible teachings about souls, the fact that they are not immortal living in Heaven or hell. Many will ask, "But, what about Enoch and Elijah? Didn't God take them off up to Heaven so that...
Vertical Thought
by Mario Seiglie
We continue exploring the book of Genesis and the common questions asked about it. Here are the answers as we best understand them in light of the Bible.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Walking with God in an age when others walk away from God.
Beyond Today
by , Mike Bennett
Dozens of tools to help you understand more about God’s Word, the Holy Bible, are readily available through the Internet. They are invaluable, but they are free!
Heaven and Hell What Does the Bible Really Teach?
by United Church of God
Some people believe Genesis 5:24 and Hebrews 11:5 declare that God took Enoch to heaven. But is that what these verses say?
by Gary Petty
Murfreesboro, TN
The Bible speaks of three different heavens and seems to indicate that perhaps Enoch and Elijah, in addition to Christ, have been there. Is that really the case? Listen to learn what the Bible says about heaven and who has been there.
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
The assumptions you have when reading God's word can dramatically affect what you understand the scripture to be saying.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
The Bible teaches that good people don’t go to heaven or anything like heaven upon death. Tune in to learn the plain truth.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Wasn't Elijah the prophet raptured to heaven?
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
If you've never fasted before, a commitment of a day may be easier to accomplish and will familiarize you with the process. Use that first experience to learn what your body's particular reactions are.
by Rick Shabi
Orlando, FL
These three men, living in totally diverse times in human history dedicated their lives to God. As humans, did they make plans? Did their lives, or events in their lives, go as they thought they would? How did they react to situations...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Does the Bible contradict itself saying that Elijah was taken up to heaven?
Good News
by Don Hooser
Three earlier articles in this series covered prayer, Bible study and thinking or meditation. Along with those spiritual tools, we need to frequently combine this fourth tool—fasting.
Tools for Spiritual Growth
by United Church of God
The Bible shows us that many notable figures spent time in fasting—going without food and drink. God even commands us to fast at least one day each year. What does fasting teach us, and how can we use this tool for growth?
United News
Peter Eddington
We are pleased to report that the results of this major ad campaign proved highly satisfactory. Multiple thousands of Bible-study aids were requested along with subscriptions to Beyond Today magazine.
[June 6, 2018] From January through March of 2018, the United Church of God distributed over 80 million print advertisements to households throughout the United States. Each ad featured a free subscription to Beyond Today...
