United Church of God


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Total results: 51193.
Beyond Today
by , Mike Bennett
Dozens of tools to help you understand more about God’s Word, the Holy Bible, are readily available through the Internet. They are invaluable, but they are free!
Bible Study Course Lesson 8
by United Church of God
These questions are intended as a study aid, to spur further thought on the concepts discussed in this lesson and to help you apply them on a personal level.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
It can be sinful, if accompanied by wrong lustful thoughts.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
It was not God’s laws! Rather, Jesus’ death made it possible for our sins to be fully erased upon our repentance.
The following article reprints have originally appeared in the Beyond Today magazine, United News and booklets. All reprints are available in PDF format. Click on the article title to open the article in a new browser...
How to Understand the Bible
by United Church of God
If you have access to a personal computer with a CD or DVD drive or an Internet connection, you can make use of Bible helps.
Compass Check
by Dan Preston
When someone asked me this question, wanting genuinely how to be a Christian, it kind of threw me for a loop. Let's talk about the things that define a Christian.
Beyond Today
by United Church of God
Online Bible study is an excellent way to sharpen your understanding of the world’s most popular book: the Bible. Yet, much of the time, the Bible’s true meaning is misunderstood. Many see it as too difficult to understand. However, the...
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
If you've never fasted before, a commitment of a day may be easier to accomplish and will familiarize you with the process. Use that first experience to learn what your body's particular reactions are.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Ask some key questions as you read the Bible. You will learn more about yourself than you know.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
What kind of meditation will help us develop a deeper relationship with God? Should a Christian use transcendental meditation?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
People think they can define what is love regarding sexual behavior. But, this role belongs purely to our Creator.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
When we approach the throne of grace through fasting, God will help us “loose the bonds of wickedness” (Isaiah 58:6). He will help us remove the sin that so easily ensnares us (Hebrews 12:1).
Tools for Spiritual Growth
by United Church of God
Our first step toward receiving forgiveness and being reconciled with God is repentance—turning from our selfish and sinful ways and turning to Him. And we must remain in a repentant attitude if we are to grow as God wants us to. 
