United Church of God


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Total results: 4597.
by Donald Ward
East Texas
In the book of Romans, the apostle Paul presents us with a blue print and formula for peace, not only for the individual, but also for the nations as well. If we are willing to accept what the scriptures clearly say in Romans, we can...
by Darris McNeely
Cincinnati East, OH
Whether a glass is half empty or half full of water is a cliche we all ha ve heard. But consider a few ways this impacts our spiritual life and our approach to the Work of God. It comes down to the all-important "mind view" we have toward...
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty, Darris McNeely
People think things are in the Bible when they really aren't. Don't always assume you have the quote right.
by Carl Kinsella
Salem, OR
We all have heard words and phrases that worn out, overused to the point they don’t carry much meaning, or they may be words that we quickly add to the end of a slogan. For example, someone says Lay’s potato chips, and you finish with, “I...
by Tim Pebworth
Petaluma, CA
Speaker: Tim Pebworth 11/21/20 Mental health is often not discussed and there can shame associated with revealing or reaching out for help. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth shows that Jesus Christ came to comfort those suffering from mental...
United News
Les BoothDarris McNeelyRobin Webber
Now with wnponline.org, World News and Prophecy has a threefold approach to help preach the gospel and prepare a people.
First came World News and Prophecy in printed form, then the weekend seminars (see sidebar, page 2). Now in 2005, a third phase has been launched with wnponline.org. During meetings in January with the managing editors of...
United News
Peter Eddington
Beyond Today presenters recorded their first program in the newly renovated studio Feb. 3 and 4.
In anticipation of an April 2010 launch on several U.S. broadcast television stations, our Beyond Today television set received a very complimentary upgrade during January that covered several areas: • A new backdrop...
United News
Victor Kubik
UCG President, Victor Kubik, shares updates while traveling in South Africa and Malawi.
As we approach the Passover service, I pray that all of us in God's Church can seriously understand the need to truly put on Jesus Christ, whose suffering and death we will be commemorating. This is a time when we not only recommit our...
