United Church of God


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Total results: 45945.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Trouble comes all too often in life, and knowing what to do when that happens is a great strength.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Don’t try to take shortcuts in your education.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Scott Ashley
Isaiah 55:6-7 tells us: “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him . . .” Seek mercy...
United News
Les BoothDarris McNeelyRobin Webber
Now with wnponline.org, World News and Prophecy has a threefold approach to help preach the gospel and prepare a people.
First came World News and Prophecy in printed form, then the weekend seminars (see sidebar, page 2). Now in 2005, a third phase has been launched with wnponline.org. During meetings in January with the managing editors of...
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik shares some feedback about Beyond Today television from a member of the live studio audience. Next, he talks about the recent Inside United podcast with Steven Britt, Nick and Megan Lamoureux...
Earlier this month we invited four people who represent the Northern Kentucky hospitality industry to be in the audience for the Beyond Today television program. One of the four, the conference manager at the Marriott...
United News
Let us be in “one accord,” dedicated to living God's truth, and proclaiming it to the world.
From the President . . . Greetings brethren, I hope Pentecost and last Sabbath were uplifting, spiritually rewarding and energizing for everyone. My wife, Deborah, and I had the pleasure of spending last Sabbath...
by John Ross Schroeder
News sources the world over continue to report troubling trends. There is only one solution to it all: the return of Jesus Christ to this earth! The biblical Feast of Trumpets represents this momentous occasion.
by Mike Bennett
A hundred years after the Wright brothers, is the airline industry in danger of being grounded?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The only way we can combat "cancel culture' is to make sure that we are grounded in God's truth and that we're speaking it in love.
United News
Victor Kubik
Netherlands—As of Jan. 1 this year, UCG-Netherlands is a separate, distinct entity in Europe with its own National Council, just like Italy, Germany, France and the British Isles.
When UCG-Netherlands was founded, there were no resident ordained elders in the country. Therefore, it was decided to temporarily associate with another UCG entity—in this case, UCG-Germany, with Paul Kieffer serving as pastor. The Dutch...
United News
This update includes an overview of recent Council meetings, a camp announcement and print marketing statistics.
From the President . . . Greetings, brethren, The Council of Elders concluded their meetings here in Cincinnati earlier today. As you may have seen from the agenda that was distributed last week, the agenda was quite...
Andy Diemer
A second apparent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump has the world wondering what this portends for the November election. American stability, which has benefitted the world, is now in question. If America cannot ensure...
On September 15, in West Palm Beach, Florida, another crazed American citizen attempted to shoot former President and current presidential candidate, Donald Trump. Americans wonder what the two attempts on Trump's life portend for the...
