United Church of God


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Total results: 51093.
United News
United News
United webmasters add content to church website
Youth Media Visit www.ucg.org/youth/videomp3.htm to watch past United Youth Camp and Ambassador Bible Center videos. While you're there, download MP3 files of informative and helpful sermons targeted toward...
by Larry Walker
Paul wrote to Timothy, "For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires" (2 Timothy 4:3, NRSV). Judging from the recent...
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely
Why are you interested in prophecy? Is your goal to decipher all the obscure biblical prophecies that await fulfillment? Be careful. God's purpose for prophecy may be different than yours.
Good News
by Darris McNeely
Why are you interested in prophecy? Is your goal to decipher all the obscure biblical prophecies that await fulfillment? If so, be careful—God's purpose for prophecy may be different from yours.
by Larry Walker
Central Oregon
This message should help us understand it, why God allows it, and how will He set the record straight. 
World News and Prophecy
by Mike Bennett
Today the Bible—God’s written Word—is so widely available, it’s hard to understand how rare it was in the past, or how scarce God’s Word might be in the future. What should we do to prepare for what God calls a coming "famine of the Word"?
Good News
by Gary Petty
The conflict between Israelis and Arabs is profoundly affecting your daily life. As world history heads towards a crisis point at Ground Zero Jerusalem, what should our focus be?
by Mario Seiglie
Orange County, CA
Have you wondered what will happen to the children when the Church is protected in the end-time? Here is some good news?
by Patrick Kansa
Chicago, IL
In Psalms 1:1, we are warned against sitting in the scoffers' chair. To understand why this can be problematic, we need to understand what a scoffer is and what the Bible teaches about scoffers. Then we can begin to understand their...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
Newsweek's cover asks, "Who Was Jesus?". It raises more questions that erode faith. Given that people are looking for understanding and hope you have to ask, "where can you find faith?".
The Rapture vs. the Bible
by United Church of God
The book of Revelation describes Satan's wrath on God's people and God's judgment on humanity as seven seals. Additional passages in Matthew, Daniel and other books add further detail. By piecing together all of these references, we can...
United News
Scott Ashley
UCG has now printed more than 5 million booklets, which would make a stack 12 miles high!
The United Church of God passed a major milestone recently when it printed its 5 millionth booklet. To put that into perspective, if all 5 million booklets were put into one stack, the stack would tower almost 12 miles high! The...
United News
John LaBissonierePeter Eddington
Tests of new Beyond Today print advertisements will reach 8,000,000 households in July 2020. Four booklet titles will be advertised in coupon inserts in U.S. Sunday newspapers.
[JUNE 24, 2020] In July 2020 the United Church of God will conduct four tests of half-page coupon advertisements in Valassis “free standing inserts” in a variety of Sunday newspapers.  Although we have tested and rolled...
Good News
by Ken Graham
Some Bible critics argue that we should disregard the Bible because it's impossible that our modern versions could match the original texts. But how does this argument stand up to scrutiny?
Good News
by Noel Hornor
For centuries people have read the Bible and concluded that the world will come to an end. But will it? If so, how? What do the Scriptures teach about the end of the world?
