United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 52615.
United News
Peter Eddington
Last fiscal year 135,000 copies of the Bible Study Course were reprinted, for a total of 1.18 million copies of all lessons printed so far.
Last fiscal year 135,000 copies of the Bible Study Course were reprinted, for a total of 1.18 million copies of all lessons printed so far. An interesting note about Bible Study Course graduates: 11 percent of...
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
This Bible Study focuses primarily on Hebrews Chapters 2 and 3
by Darris McNeely
Cincinnati East, OH
We continue our in-depth study of the book of Hebrews by exploring the "faith chapter" - Hebrews 11.
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
This Bible Study covers primarily Hebrews chapters 11 and 12.
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
This Bible Study covers primarily Hebrews Chapters 11 & 12
by Darris McNeely
Cincinnati East, OH
We will continue our in-depth study of the book of Hebrews. by continuing to explore the "faith chapter".
United News
Ruth Root
The 2006/2007 fiscal year was a record year for media efforts in the United Church of God in Australia.
We were able to add 17,536 new Good News subscribers to our mailing list, representing a 168 percent increase over the number of subscribers added the previous year, and a 54 percent increase above our projected maximum number...
Beyond Today Bible Study
by Steve Myers
We will continue our in-depth study of the book of Hebrews on Wednesday, November 20 at 7:00 PM Eastern. Steve Myers will be presenting this study on Hebrews 12.
Beyond Today Bible Study
by Darris McNeely
Wednesday night we continue our in-depth study of the book of Hebrews. We'll continue exploring the "faith chapter." Darris McNeely will be continuing the study in the faith chapter of Hebrews 11.
Beyond Today Bible Study
by Gary Petty
We will continue our in-depth study of the book of Hebrews on Wednesday, November 6 at 7:00 PM Eastern. Gary Petty will be continuing this study on Hebrews 12.
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
Hebrews 4 -- "Sharper than any two-edged sword". This Bible Study focuses primarily on Hebrews Chapter 4
United News
Peter EddingtonJohn LaBissoniere
The Bible Study Course was promoted and mailed to thousands of interested readers this past fiscal year.
The Bible Study Course was promoted and mailed to thousands of interested readers this past fiscal year. During the fiscal year, 130,000 copies were reprinted (3 percent less than last year). This all equates to 1.3 million...
by Gary Petty
Cincinnati East, OH
We will continue our in-depth study of the book of Hebrews by continuing this study on Hebrews 12.
by Steve Myers
Cincinnati East, OH
We will continue our in-depth study of the book of Hebrews and examine more of Hebrews 12.
Good News
by Ken Graham
Some Bible critics argue that we should disregard the Bible because it's impossible that our modern versions could match the original texts. But how does this argument stand up to scrutiny?
Beyond Today Bible Study
by Darris McNeely
Wednesday night we continue our in-depth study of the book of Hebrews. We'll explore the "faith chapter." Join us Wednesday night beginning at 7 p.m. The presenter will be Darris McNeely.
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
This Bible Study focuses primarily on Hebrews Chapters 1 and 2
