United Church of God


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Total results: 51976.
Good News
by Noel Hornor
God—along with His inspired Word, the Bible—is the most powerful resource for combating depression. The Bible provides enlightenment and encouragement—tremendous help in depressing situations. Here are some examples.
Compass Check
by Tim Pebworth
The Bible has much to say about mental health.So here are five principles of mental health to stimulate discussion, reflection, prayer and meditation.
Vertical Thought
by Vertical Thought
God takes an interest in our reactions to all the problems we encounter. He is most interested in our overcoming problems by enduring life's crises with faith and perseverance.
United News
by Tim Pebworth
The Bible has much to say about mental health. Here are five principles of mental health to stimulate discussion, reflection, prayer and meditation.
by Tim Franke
Nashville, TN
Men and women in the Bible suffered depression, just as we do today. Here's a look at 10, and the lessons we can learn from them.
by Tim Franke
Nashville, TN
Men and women in the Bible suffered depression, just as we do today. Here's a look at 10, and the lessons we can learn from them.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Peter Eddington
With the Covid-19 pandemic and a host of global problems plaguing the world, it’s no surprise that anxiety and depression are rampant. Some even look for a way out in suicide. Yet all is not lost; we can have real hope for tomorrow. But we...
by Joshua Creech
Indianapolis, IN
Pastor Joshua Creech examines society’s struggles with loneliness; showing Biblical examples where God’s people have also been afflicted. Discover what the Scriptures reveal about combating and overcoming loneliness and depression.
by Bill Lussenheide
San Diego, CA
Lussenheide speaks on depression.  Biblical examples, personal examples, and how to deal with it using Biblical solutions and gives tools to keep depression from ruling.  God wanted Elijah to make a choice of Godly action based on...
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik talks about depression and suicidal thoughts. He mentions how how depressing the news and our world can be. But it is also important to ask for help if you need it. It is not a sin to ask for...
Depression and Suicidal Thoughts News of celebrity suicides headlined media over the past few weeks in America. The suicide deaths of Kate Spade, 55, a well-known fashion designer, and Anthony Bourdain, 61, a popular celebrity chef and...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Be careful of the things that you allow into your mind that can lead you into becoming sad and discouraged.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers, Gary Petty
What advice do you give people about biblical movies?
by Scott Lockwood
Colorado Springs, CO
Most everyone at some point in their life will be affected by depression, either their own or someone else’s. People struggle with it today just as many in the Bible also did. In this sermon, we’ll look at how to deal with depression...
by Robin Webber
This current economic crisis is shaping up to be bigger than anything since the Great Depression. What happened that brought us to where we are today. And why does the answer begin on the street where you live?
Bible Study Aids

What advice does the Bible offer about wealth and our attitude toward it? Is money really the root of all evil? Do you know what God thinks about bankruptcy? What does the Bible say about charitable contributions? How much should we give?
