United Church of God


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Total results: 51375.
by Derek Strauss
Lawton, OK
Preparing ourselves for the coming of our LORD and the healing that He will bring.
by Steven Shafer
Freeland, MI
To honor fathers for Fathers Day and to show the critical role of the father. To show the role of the father from four perspectives and to show how society has now broken down, because of the fathers role being undermined or deleted but to...
by Lonnie Johnson
Northwest Arkansas
Feast of Trumpets - PM, Second Message During Jesus Christ's earthly ministry, He healed the sick on many occasions and gave power and authority for his disciples to do the same in His name. That ability came along with the obligation...
Compass Check
by Steve Nutzman
You’re looking at a photo of a Mallard male duck that obviously has an injury to one of his wings. This duck cannot fly.
by Raymond Kaping
Lawton, OK
Our Lord teaches us of a future where Jesus will return with His Saints to establish His Kingdom on this earth and to bring healing in His wings.
by Randy D'Alessandro
The world is full of sickness and disease - both physical and mental and emotional. Though many of mankind's greatest thinkers work daily to combat these illnesses, we are fighting a losing battle against death and disease. Jesus Christ...
United News
Jim Tuck
The Bible reveals that Jesus Christ will return to this earth, and He will bring about a veritable utopia based on love! How will His rulership make it happen?
While the idea of a world government may seem like a modern invention, it has actually been around for thousands of years. It was considered anciently by Babylon and the Egyptians. Interestingly, one proponent of a world government was...
by Robin Webber
Bakersfield, CA
What attitude should we have when we pray? Daniel never stopped trusting in God. This message reviews how Daniel prayed and wanted to stay under the shadow of God’s wings. James 5:14-16 Prayers of the faithful will heal the sick. Pray for...
by Frank Fish
Bakersfield, CA
Psalm 91:1-4 paints a beautiful picture of the assured blessing of racing into the abiding shelter of God, protected safely described as being “under the shadow of His wings."
Good News
by John Ross Schroeder, Melvin Rhodes
John Paul II is fully aware that he is 80 years old and infirm. He also knows that his present actions will help shape and undergird the Vatican's policies for the next papal government. He has never been one to shirk what he considers to...
by William Hewitt
Northwest Indiana
When facing trials, use what God gives us but learn to trust Him completely and rely on His strength.
Angels: God's Messengers and Spirit Army
by United Church of God
Are all angels alike? Scripture reveals several different kinds of angels, including cherubim, seraphim and several other kinds of spirit beings. What are they like? 
God's Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind
by United Church of God
What is the fate of those who refuse to repent, submit to God and receive His gift of eternal life?
Good News
by Clyde Kilough
Having served as a "medic" of sorts on the battlefield of war for more than 30 years, I have a lot of stories to tell. Mine are not about flesh wounds or people dying from gunshots.
Bible Study Course Lesson 4
by United Church of God
Do Christ and God the Father have compassion for sufferers? Why doesn't God relieve the suffering of mankind now? What has Jesus Christ already done to relieve suffering? Following are answers to these questions and more.
by Roc Corbett
Olympia, WA
Isaiah wrote of the Messiah to come, "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor, He sent Me to heal the brokenhearted." The healing of our broken hearts is founded on the...
