United Church of God


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Total results: 53853.
by Kim Boykin
Jacksonville, NC
This sermon reviews the 7th Fundamental Principle of Effective Prayer JESUS shared with his disciples when asked “LORD teach us to pray as John taught his disciples” exploring the Precedence of Praise and incorporating doxology in our...
by Michael Fike
Tampa, FL
Repetitious prayers, "canned" prayers, and prayers that are like those from the Pharisee who "prayed to himself," in Luke 18:11 are what God usually hears.  Christ taught His disciples how to pray, leaving us an example to follow.
by Jorge de Campos
Lexington, KY
Great Sermon on effective prayer and getting closer to God through our prayers. 7 points for effective Praying.
by Roc Corbett
Olympia, WA
Five different types of prayer are discussed in this message, introducing the hearer to the subject of prayer. It is with the hope that the hearer will follow up in studying this subject of prayer throughout the Bible.
by Frederick Kellers
Nashville, TN
Luke 18:1-8  Luke 11:1 Mark 1:32-34  Matt 14:22  Luke 5:14-16  Luke 6:12-13   Jesus said that we should always pray and not lose heart, and He, when asked, taught His disciples how to pray. But, in this busy hectic world, how do...
by Robin Webber
Redlands, CA
When challenges come we need to take our values with us. Prayer is our life’s blood. Have we ever overheard someone while they are praying? Jesus taught us how to pray and He gave us models on what to say when we do pray. One of the...
by Jim Moody
East Texas
Every word of the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 has meaning and is a restatement of the plan of God. Jesus Christ gave us this prayer as a model of how to pray and what to pray about. This sermon explores additional aspects of this prayer...
by Gary Antion
Cincinnati East, OH
Whatever happened to the Father? Why is He seemingly so unimportant in the world of Christianity? Let's see what the Bible and the Jesus Christ have to say about whatever happened to the Father?
by Donald Ward
East Texas
This sermon examines the Lord's Prayer for the Elect as recorded in John 17. Note John 17:9, "I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine." (Joh 17:9 AV) The teaching provides us...
by David Holladay
Seattle, WA
Prayer seems so hard sometimes and sometimes can feel like a chore at times. But Christ teaches us how to pray in Matthew 6 with what is called the Lord's prayer. These scriptures seem simple yet pack an incredible message and meaning when...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Joy Jones
In our roles as parents, nothing could be more important than leading our children into a loving relationship with God. But how can we do that? Here are some practical steps to guide the process.
United News
by Gary Antion
"Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, 'Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples'" (Luke 11:1). Jesus' disciples needed to learn how to pray! Then...
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
Some churches have a historic practice of praying to dead saints. Does the Bible teach that we should pray to the saints?
by Scott McKeon
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
Prayer is as the lifeblood of a Christian, and yet it is something that we are not born knowing how to do.  The disciples even requested of Jesus in Luke 11:1, ‘Lord, teach us to pray’, implying that they did not know how to pray or felt...
Compass Check
by Dan Preston
Your parents probably taught you to pray, and there’s no doubt they pray for you. But have you ever thought about praying for your parents?
by Lud Kiramidjian
San Jose, CA
Listen to this sermon to learn about the City of Jerusalem - its past, present and future. In Zechariah 12:2,3 the prophet wrote "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege...
by Lewis VanAusdle
Hartford, CT
We have been taught to pray for one another. This is essential to encouraging one another and maintaining our spiritual bond. We should continue to pray for our brethren as we have been taught to do.
Bible Questions and Answers
What does God want us to say to Him, and how can prayer help us develop a stronger relationship with God?
