United Church of God


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Total results: 45119.
by Randy Schreiber
Phoenix East, AZ
One fruit of God's Spirit is "Peace" (Galatians 5).  What is Godly peace?  How can we have the peace that comes through God's Spirit?  How is true peace related to Passover and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ?  
by John Elliott
Burlington, WA
True peace is not achieved by humanity on its own. Man's desire to achieve happiness, security and prosperity remain allusive. Christ's Passover opens the only way to achieve true peace, security and prosperity.
by David Hausen
Huntsville, AL
In the Isaiah 9:6 prophecy about Jesus Christ, He is given the title of Prince of Peace. However, we live in a world that doesn’t really understand peace because it doesn’t really understand Jesus Christ and His ministry. So, let’s...
by David Hausen
Huntsville, AL
In the Isaiah 9:6 prophecy about Jesus Christ, He is given the title of Prince of Peace. However, we live in a world that doesn’t really understand peace because it doesn’t really understand Jesus Christ and His ministry. So, let’s...
Good News
by Jerold Aust
God instructed the ancient Israelites to leave their homes every year to observe a festival in a location He chose. What is the significance of this feast, and what does it mean for you?
Family Study Guides

In this Family Guide, we review the true meaning of “peace” as a fruit of God’s Spirit. We look at three ways God’s Spirit enables us to have peace:

by Jeffrey Herrera
New York City, NY
Using bible verses related to Passover as visualizations to help you bring you peace and resist the devil.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The world has gone through some traumatic times. What have you learned the the tests and trials that you've been through? Are there things that you lacked spiritually? God can provide the answers you need.
by Donald Ward
East Texas
How valuable is spiritual freedom to you? Would you love to live in a world filled with freedom and peace? God's promises for living in spiritual freedom and peace can be yours.
by Jeffrey Herrera
New Jersey - North
We worship the God, King, and Prince of peace who has a Spirit of loving-kindness and righteousness. As we approach Passover, it is important to remember the opposing spirit, that is also a prince, of the forces against us. Without peace...
by Joe Horchak
Sacramento, CA
There is an "inner peace" that each of us hopefully have experienced at some points of time in our lives. Jesus Christ - The Prince of Peace, is our link, our source and our guide to attaining more of this Peace in our lives.
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
As we begin (or continue) our spiritual preparation for the Passover, there are certain areas that we need to consider. In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford, GA, congregations, discusses five (5) key areas that...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
The Passover is only about one week away and I want to speak today about a topic that is essential for us to gain the most from observing the Passover this year. The heart and core of the Passover is about us obtaining complete peace and...
by Roger J Korthuis
Phoenix, Arizona 2017
Mankind cannot find the way of peace on its own. God is the source of true peace and we need to practice His way of peace. The Kingdom of God under the rule of Jesus Christ ... will fill the earth with God's "Shalom" as mankind learns to...
by Paul Moody
Kennewick, WA
On the night of His final Passover, Jesus prayed that His disciples would experience the same divine oneness that He shares with His Father. To be one as They are one can not be achieved by human means alone. The indwelling of the Holy...
by Joe Horton
Mansfield, OH
With the Passover coming soon, self-examination is a crucial part of this time. One area we can examine is bitterness. Three reasons to examine this topic: 1) All of us can fall victim to bitterness (we have to be aware of its origins). 2...
by Donald Ward
East Texas
An examination of 1 Corinthians. Likely written during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, it is an essential source for preparing for the Passover
